E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 3 (1987)
Heading Page
Download as PDF Table of Contents 7
Download as PDF Preface: Preface 9
Download as PDF Article: What happened to stylistics 11
Download as PDF Article: Some textually relevant grammatical choices 29
Download as PDF Article: Sharing a text : a co-operative aspect of verbal interaction 37
Download as PDF Article: Summaries in newspapers : a textlinguistic investigation 47
Download as PDF Article: Deictics and the status of poetic texts 65
Download as PDF Article: Chiastic structures in literature : some forms and functions 75
Download as PDF Article: The labyrinth as a structural principle in narrative texts 99
Download as PDF Article: Namings for the hero and the structure of Beowulf 111
Download as PDF Article: Wife of Bath, Pardoner and Sir Thopas : pre-texts and para-texts 123
Download as PDF Article: Word and image clusters in Shakespeare 133
Download as PDF Article: Full of doubt I stand : the structure of Paradise Lost 159
Download as PDF Article: Swift : the satirical use of framing fictions 177
Download as PDF Article: The structure of Tom Jones : regularity and extravagance 193
Download as PDF Article: Addison as semiotician : the threefold structure of Spectator 28 201
Download as PDF Article: Multum in parvo : Moby-Dick, the swiss army knife, and the poetics of infinity 209
Download as PDF Article: Anthropological narrative and the structur of North American Indian (auto-)biography 221
Download as PDF Article: Determining the postmodernist text 235
Download as PDF Rubric: Notes on contributors 257
Download as PDF Index: Index 259