E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 38 (2014)
Heading Page
Download as PDF Front matter I
Download as PDF Table of Contents VI
Download as PDF Article: Reworking ideas on Reworkings : reflections on a 2014 symposium VII
Download as PDF Article: Reworkings: from the basilica to the biennale 1
Download as PDF Article: Riducendo la maggior parte dell'arie dell'opera in canzon da battello : examples of aria transformations in an 18th-century Venetian music manuscript and its related sources 15
Download as PDF Article: Allo stile dei musici di questa nazione : balancing the old and new in Portuguese church music from the 1720s and 1730s 33
Download as PDF Article: Reworking Carissimi : Händels Bearbeitung des Schlusschores aus Jephte im Oratorium Samson 55
Download as PDF Article: From Jason to Jason : Cavalli reworked by Stradella (Venice 1649 - Rome 1671) 69
Download as PDF Article: Staging faith in South Germany : the triumphal reworking of catholic devotional spaces around 1600 85
Download as PDF Article: Reworking the confessional soundscape in the German counter-reformation 105
Download as PDF Article: Monster, lover, poet, Saracen : Polyphemus in late medieval French literature 117
Download as PDF Article: "Vient a point ton bordon" : art-song reworking im Codex Ivrea 137
Download as PDF Article: Evidence of reworkings in Ars nova motets 155
Download as PDF Article: Tradition - novelty - renewal : the presence of the past in 20th-century music 177
Download as PDF Afterword: Abstracts 189
Download as PDF Index: Die Autorinnen und Autoren 199
Download as PDF Index: Liste der bibliographischen Abkürzungen 203
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