Mittheilungen schweizerischer Ingenieure und Architekten : auf Veranstaltung des Vereins Schweizerischer Ingenieure und Architekten
The scientific but not administrative proceedings from the annual conferences of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) were to be published twice annually in the Swiss engineers and architects' newsletter. Thusly, the editor responsible, JH Kronauer, hereby wanted to bring a journal into being that went beyond the normal scope of the annual society newsletters and appealed to all interested parties, not only members, as well as giving more space for architectural drawings. The evidence can be seen in the first publication of two combined issues (issues 1-2) from 1853.
The Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects, founded in 1837, is the authoritative professional association for qualified experts in the areas of construction, engineering and the environment. The SIA is an interdisciplinary network for the exchange of knowledge that is tasked with moulding the cultural, social, economic and creative quality of the world around it in a holistic and sustainable manner.
Title history:
Mittheilungen schweizerischer Ingenieure und Architekten : auf Veranstaltung des Vereins Schweizerischer Ingenieure und Architekten