Kriminologie / Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für Kriminologie SAK = Criminologie / Groupe Suisse de Criminologie GSC = Criminologia / Gruppo Svizzero di Criminologia GSC
Since its foundation in 1974, the Swiss Group of Criminology organises conferences on a regular basis. Its goal consists in gathering experts and professionals to deal with contemporary topics in the field of criminology. Considering that science, research and practice mutually interact, the notion of criminology is understood here in its broadest sense.
The congress proceedings of the SGC contain criminological research results as well as reflections inspired by criminal policy. The articles contained therein allow for the reconstruction of how society deals with delinquency and offenders and provide insight into the scientific problematisation and the answering of research questions.
Kriminologie / Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für Kriminologie SAK = Criminologie / Groupe Suisse de Criminologie GSC = Criminologia / Gruppo Svizzero di Criminologia GSC
Reihe Kriminologie / Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für Kriminologie = Collection criminologie / Groupe suisse de travail de criminologie