Jahresbericht / Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften = Rapport annuel / Académie suisse des sciences médicales = Rapporto annuale /Accademia svizzera delle scienze mediche
First published in 1944, the Bulletin of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences was originally issued six times a year. Until publication was discontinued in 1988, it was the official organ for reports of scientific conferences organized by the Academy and for reports of the activities of its various bodies. Also published in the Bulletin were the results of research projects supported by the SAMS, obituaries of individuals associated with the Academy, and news about appointments, retirements, etc. at the Faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Since 1989, only an annual report has appeared each year. The quarterly SAMS newsletter, launched in 2000, is called SAMW/ASSM Bulletin.
The Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) was founded in 1943 by the five Swiss medical faculties, the two veterinary medical faculties and the Swiss Medical Assocation FMH. With its two main programmes, «Medical Science and Practice» and «Medicine and Society», the activity of the SAMS is concentrated on the following:
• Support of the high quality of the research in biomedical and clinical research
• Promotion of the professional training of the coming generation of scientists, especially in clinical research
• The connection between scientific medicine and medical practic
• Engagement in university, scientific and education politics, combined with expert and advisory activity for the attention of politicians and authorities
• Clarification of ethical questions in connection with medical developments and their effects on society
• Comprehensive reflection on the future of medicine
The highest organ of the SAMS is the Supreme Council, which is made up of – besides honorary members, associate members and corresponding members - representatives of the Swiss medical and veterinary medical faculties, the Swiss Medical Association FMH, the specialist medical associations and other organisations. The Supreme Council meets twice a year. The current business is looked after by the Executive Committee. The General Secretariat is responsible for the implementation of decisions taken by the Supreme Council and the Executive Committee. The SAMS is supported by subsidies from the Swiss Federal Government under the provision of the Federal Research Act.
Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences SAMW/ASSM www.samw.ch
Title history:
Jahresbericht / Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften = Rapport annuel / Académie suisse des sciences médicales = Rapporto annuale /Accademia svizzera delle scienze mediche
Bulletin der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften = Bulletin de l'Académie suisse des sciences médicales = Bollettino dell' Accademia svizzera delle scienze mediche