Buchdruckerei und Verlag Zollikofer published a yearbook annually from 1897 to 1996 (except for the years 1940 to 1942).
The St. Galler Schreibmappe appeared from 1897 to 1929. From 1930 to 1939, the Zollikofer printers produced the St. Galler Jahresmappe as a successor to the St. Galler Schreibmappe. In addition to articles primarily on topics related to St. Gallen, the Schreibmappe and Jahresmappe also contain tributes to personalities from St. Gallen as well as numerous announcements, advertisements, business notices and recommendations.
From 1943 to 1996, Zollikofer-Verlag produced the Jahrbuch Gallus-Stadt. It contains historical contributions and documents events in the city of St. Gallen. The yearbook also pays tribute to deceased personalities who had left their mark on the life of the city and, in a chronicle, summarises the most important events of the year.