E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 38 (1981)
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Téléchargement PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 3
Téléchargement PDF Sonstiges 4
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Biological control of the snail intermediate hosts of human "Schistosoma" spp. : a review of its present status and future prospects 5
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The dynamics of the cellular reactions elicited in the skin of goats by "Glossina morsitans morsitans" infected with "Trypanosoma (Nannomonas) congolense" or "T. (Duttonella) vivax" 15
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Induction of differentiation in "Herpetomonas samuelpessoai" by dimethylsulfoxide 29
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Circulating immune complexes in human fascioliasis : relationship with "Fasciola hepatica" egg output 39
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Etude sur l'activité sexuelle de "Culicoides nubeculosus" (Mg.) (Diptera-Ceratopogonidae) 45
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Réponse immunologique du lapin aux infestations répétées de femelles d'"Ornithodoros moubata" Murray : son influence sur la biologie des tiques 55
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Bleeding manifestations of dengue haemorrhagic fever in Malaysia 71
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The parasitic diseases of school children in Lagos State, Nigeria 79
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Infectivity of "Leishmania donovani" primary culture promastigotes for golden hamsters : short communication 85
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Single dose therapy with a combination of chloroquine and pyrimethamine (darachlor) in the treatment of malaria : short communication 91
Téléchargement PDF Buchbesprechung: Rezensionen = Analyses = Reviews 95
Heft 2 97
Téléchargement PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 97
Téléchargement PDF Sonstiges 98
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Experimental infections in Venezuelan lizards by "Trypanosoma cruzi" 99
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: "Trypanosoma cruzi" : comparative studies of infectivity of parasites ingested by "Triatoma infestans" and those present in their feces 107
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Variation in the sensitivity of successive variable antigen types in a "Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) brucei" subspecies clone to some African game animal sera 115
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Effects of maintaining "Glossina morsitans morsitans" on different hosts upon the vector's subsequent infection rates with pathogenic trypanosomes 125
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Contribution à la connaissance des relations immunologiques entre "Moniliformis moniliformis" Bremser, 1811 (Acanthocephala) et "Rattus norvegicus" Berkenhout, 1769, var. albinos 137
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Genetic polymorphism in three species of tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Upper Volta 149
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Permeability of the midgut basal lamina in the mosquito, "Culex tarsalis" Coquillett (Insecta, Diptera) 163
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Influence of systemic infections on xylose absorption 173
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Loasis as a possible trigger of African endomyocardial fibrosis : a case report from Nigeria 179
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Isolierung von "Babesia microti" (França 1912) aus freilebenden Nymphen von "Ixodes ricinus" (Linnaeus 1758) : short communication 187
Téléchargement PDF Buchbesprechung: Rezensionen = Analyses = Reviews 189
Heft 3 193
Téléchargement PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 193
Téléchargement PDF Sonstiges 194
Téléchargement PDF Vorwort: Editorial 195
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Issues in filariasis : a century of enquiry and a century of failure 197
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Familial predisposition to filarial infection : not linked to HLA-A or -B locus specificities 205
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The long term effects of repeated diethylcarbamazine administration with special reference to microfilaraemia and elephantiasis 217
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Effect of treatment with diethylcarbamazine on immune responses to filarial antigens in patients infected with "Brugia malayi" 227
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Identification of two West African black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the "Simulium damnosum" species complex by analysis of cuticular paraffins 235
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: "Dipetalonema viteae" (Filarioidea) : development of the infective larvae in vitro 241
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The development of "Dirofilaria immitis" in cultured malpighian tubules 251
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Selective recovery of living microfilariae from "Onchocerca volvulus" nodules : determination of optimal conditions for their culture in vitro for excretory/secretory products 261
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Specific hypo-responsive granulomatous tissue reactions in "Brugia pahangi"-infected jirds 267
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Filarial infections of "Mastomys natalensis" and their relevance for experimental chemotherapy 277
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The effect of 5-fluorouracil and 5-fluorocytosine on the development of the filarial nematodes "Brugia pahangi" and "Dirofilaria immitis" 289
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Successful development of "Brugia pahangi" in T-cell deprived CBA mice 305
Téléchargement PDF Article: Serum immunoglobulin and antibody levels and the passive transfer of resistance in hamsters infected with "Dipetalonema viteae" 309
Téléchargement PDF Article: Immunogenicity of homogenates of the developmental stages of "Litomosoides carinii" in albino rats 319
Téléchargement PDF Article: "Dipetalonema viteae" (Filarioidea) : evidence for a serum-dependent cytotoxicity against developing third and fourth stage larvae in vitro : short communication 325
Téléchargement PDF Article: Identification of radioiodinated cuticular proteins and antigens of "Onchocerca gibsoni" microfilariae 329
Téléchargement PDF Article: The major radioiodinated cuticular antigens of "Onchocerca gibsoni" microfilariae are neither species nor onchocerca specific 343
Téléchargement PDF Article: IgE antibodies in human onchocerciasis : application of a newly developed radioallergosorbent test (RAST) 353
Téléchargement PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Rezensionen = Analyses = Reviews 363
Cahier 4 365
Téléchargement PDF Pages liminaires 365
Téléchargement PDF Divers 366
Téléchargement PDF Article: On the persistence of human serum resistance and isoenzyme patterns of "Trypanozoon" in experimentally infected pigs 367
Téléchargement PDF Article: Phagocytosis of the three developmental forms of "Trypanosoma cruzi" : effect of specific sera 375
Téléchargement PDF Article: Leishmaniasis in Tuscany (Italy) : VI., Canine leishmaniasis in the focus of Monte Argentario (Grosseto) 383
Téléchargement PDF Article: Interactions between St. Lucian "Biomphalaria glabrata" and "Helisoma duryi", a possible competitor snail, in a semi-natural habitat 395
Téléchargement PDF Article: An isoenzyme marker possibly associated with the susceptibility of "Biomphalaria glabrata" populations to "Schistosoma mansoni" 419
Téléchargement PDF Article: Immunodiagnosis of schistosomiasis outside endemic areas : use of histamine release from basophils by schistosomal antigens and radioallergosorbent test 427
Téléchargement PDF Article: Hybridoma antibody immunoassays for the detection of parasitic infection : further studies on a monoclonal antibody with immunodiagnostic potential for schistosomiasis japonica 437
Téléchargement PDF Article: Metabolic end products of helminths : their degradation and excretion by the host : biochemical approach to the diagnosis of ascaridiasis and other helminthiases 449
Téléchargement PDF Article: Un cas d'ophtalmomyiase externe à "Oestrus ovis", Linné, 1758 contractée sur la plage de Nice 461
Téléchargement PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Rezensionen = Analyses = Reviews 469
Téléchargement PDF Table des matières 473