E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 12 (1958)
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Issue 1: Ausstellungsbauten = Pavillons d'exposition = Exhibition pavilions _
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Download as PDF Preface: Ausstellungsbauten = Pavillons d'exposition = Exhibition buildings _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellungen und Architektur = Expositions et architecture = Exhibitions and architecture 1
Download as PDF Article: Allgemeines Informationsbüro der Deutschen Wirtschaft auf der Herbstmesse Zagreb 1957 = Bureau d'information générales de l'Economie allemande à la Foire d'Automne de Zagreb 1957 = General information bureau of German Section at the Zagreb Autumn Fair 1957 3
Download as PDF Article: Allgemeiner Informationspavillon der Deutschen Wirtschaft auf der Mailänder Industriemesse "Fiera di Milano", April 1957 = Pavillon d'information générales de l'Economie allemande à la Foire de Milan, avril 1957 = General information pavilion of German section at the Milan Industrial Fair "Fiera di Milano", April 1957 4
Download as PDF Article: Sonderschau "Schweissen im Handwerk" auf der Deutschen Handwerksmesse München 1957 = Exposition particulière "Le soudage dans l'artisanat" de l'Exposition artisanale allemande, Munich 1957 = Special exhibition "Welding in Handicrafts" at the German Handicrafts Fair, Munich 1957 8
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellung des Schwedischen Werkbundes im Kungsträdgården in Stockholm = Exposition de la Société des Arts et Métiers suédoise dans le Kungsträdgården à Stockholm = Exhibition of the Swedish Arts and Crafts Society in the Kungsträdgården in Stockholm 10
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellungsbau der Arbeiterkammer Wien = Bâtiment d'exposition de la Chambre de Travail de Vienne = Exhibition building of the Board of Labour, Vienna 12
Download as PDF Article: Eternit-Pavillon auf der Industriemesse Hannover 1957 = Pavillon de l'Eternit à la Foire Industrielle de Hanovre 1957 = Asbestos-cement pavilion at the Industrial Fair of Hanover 1957 14
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellung "die stadt von morgen" an der Berliner Interbau = "La ville de demain", exposition à l'Interbau Berlin = "The City of Tomorrow" exhibition at the Berlin Interbau 16
Download as PDF Article: Weltausstellung Brüssel 1958 = Exposition Mondiale à Bruxelles 1958 = World exhibition Brussels 1958 23
Download as PDF Article: Abteilung der internationalen Organisation = Section des organisations internationales = Section for international organizations 25
Download as PDF Article: Belgische Sektionen = Sections de la Belgique = Belgian sections 26
Download as PDF Article: Ausländische Abteilungen = Pavillons étranges = Foreign pavilions 27
Download as PDF Article: Deutsch Abteilung = Section allemande = German section 29
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Abteilung = Section suisse = Swiss section 30
Download as PDF Article: Was ist modern in der Architektur? : Eine Strukturanalyse der zeitgenössischen Baukunst = Qu'est-ce qui est moderne dans l'architecture? : Une analyse de la structure de la construction contemporaine = What is modern architecture? : A structural analysis of contemporary building 31
Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 1
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Download as PDF Advertising 7
Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 8
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 12
Download as PDF Rubric: Tagungen 12
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Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen aus der Industrie 14
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 16
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Download as PDF Rubric: Neuheiten aus der Industrie 18
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Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 2: Verwaltungsbauten und Geschäftshäuser = Bâtiments administratifs et commerciaux = Administration and office buildings _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés _
Download as PDF Rubric: Summary _
Download as PDF Preface: Geschäftshäuser und Verwaltungsbauten = Bâtiments commerciaux et administratifs = Office and administration buildings _
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Download as PDF Article: Neubau der Schweizerischen Betriebskrankenkasse in Winterthur = Nouveau bâtiment de la Caisse-maladie suisse d'entreprise à Winterthur = New building of the Swiss Industrial Medical Insurance Program in Winterthur 37
Download as PDF Article: Werkstattgebäude 9 der Firma Franke & Heidecke, Braunschweig = Ateliers 9 de la maison Franke & Heidecke, Braunschweig = Factory building 9 of the Firm Franke & Heidecke, Brunswick 43
Download as PDF Article: Geschäftshaus der Möbelgenossenschaft Basel = Coopérative du meuble, Bâle = Office building of the Furniture Cooperative, Basle 48
Download as PDF Article: Verwaltungsgebäude der TAVARO S.A., Genf = Bâtiment administratif de TAVARO S.A., Genève = Administration building of TAVARO Ltd. Geneva 54
Download as PDF Article: Über den Bau von Stadthallen 57
Download as PDF Article: Wettbewerb Stadthalle Essen = Concours salle municipale Essen = Competition municipal hall Essen 57
Download as PDF Article: 2. Wettbewerbs-Projekt für die Stadthalle Bremen (1. Preis) = 2e projet de concours pour la Salle Municipale Brême (1er prix) = 2nd plan for competition for the Municipial Hall Bremen (1st prize) 60
Download as PDF Article: Internationaler, engerer Wettbewerb 1952 für die Wiener Sport- und Versammlungshalle = Concours international de ballotage 1952 pour la Salle Viennoise de sport et de réunions = International competition 1952 for the Vienna Sports and Convention Hall 63
Download as PDF Article: Die Wiener Stadthalle vor ihrer Vollendung = La salle municipale Viennoise avant fini = The Vienna municipal hall before the finishing 64
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 21
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Download as PDF Rubric: Verkehrsplanung 24
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 30
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 34
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Download as PDF Rubric: Vorträge 36
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Download as PDF Rubric: Probleme ; Bemerkungen 38
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Download as PDF Rubric: Baurecht 39
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 41
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Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen aus der Industrie 42
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Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 3: Wohnbauten = Habitations = Dwellings _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés _
Download as PDF Rubric: Summary _
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Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Wohnquartier am Hafen von Sydney = Projet de quartier résidentiel au port de Sydney = Plan for a residential district in the harbour area of Sydney 69
Download as PDF Article: Slum-Sanierung in Buenos Aires : Wohnungen für 400000 Menschen in der Nähe der City = Assainissement des slums de Buenos Aires : appartements pour 400000 personnes à proximité de la city = Slum clearance in Buenos Aires : apartments for 400000 people near the city centre 74
Download as PDF Article: Mehrfamilienhaus Malagnou-Cité in Genf = Habitation multifamiliale Malagnou-Cité à Genève = House for several families, Malagnou Settlement, Geneva 79
Download as PDF Article: Team-Einrichtungsgegenstände = Aménagements Team = Team furnishings 83
Download as PDF Article: Italienische Lampen = Lampes italiennes = Italian lamps 86
Download as PDF Article: Haus Gagarin in Connecticut, USA = Maison Gagarin à Connecticut, USA = Gagarin House in Connecticut, USA 87
Download as PDF Article: Ferien- und Gästehaus mit Gärtnerwohnung in Stresa am Lago Maggiore = Maison de vacances et d'hôtes avec appartement de jardinier à Stresa/Lago Maggiore = Holiday house with gardener's lodging at Stresa on Lake Maggiore 90
Download as PDF Article: Wachsendes Haus in Australien = Maison croissante en Australie = Growing house in Australia 92
Download as PDF Article: Das Atelier zweier Architekten in Duisburg = L'atelier de deux architectes à Duisburg = The studio of two architects in Duisburg 94
Download as PDF Article: Haus eines Gärtners in Gachnang bei Frauenfeld = Maison d'un horticulteur à Gachnang près de Frauenfeld = A gardener's house in Gachnang near Frauenfeld 96
Download as PDF Article: Haus R. in Beverly Hills, Kalifornien = Maison R. à Beverly Hills, Californie = House R. in Beverly Hills, California 98
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhaus in Krefeld = Maison à Krefeld = House in Krefeld 102
Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 45
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Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 48
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Download as PDF Rubric: Tagungen 60
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 61
Download as PDF Rubric: Neuheiten aus der Industrie 61
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Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen aus der Industrie 62
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 72
Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 4: Hotelbau = Hôtels = Hotels _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés _
Download as PDF Rubric: Summary _
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Download as PDF Front matter 105
Download as PDF Article: Hotelbau : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der amerikanischen Bau- und Betriebsrationalisierung = La construction actuelle d'hôtels en considération particulière de la rationalisation américaine dans le domaine de la construction et de l'exploitation = Modern hotel construction taking special consideration of construction and operation in America 106
Download as PDF Article: Hotel Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills, Kalifornien : Autotouristen- und Ferienhotel mit 450 Zimmern = Hôtel de 450 chambres pour touristes en voiture en vacances = A luxury hotel for motor-tourists with 450 rooms 115
Download as PDF Article: Hilton-Hotel, Istanbul : Ferien- und Touristenhotel mit 300 Zimmern = Hilton-Hotel, Istanbul : Hôtel de 300 chambres pour estivants et touristes = Hilton-Hotel, Istanbul : resort and tourist hotel with 300 rooms 118
Download as PDF Article: Sheraton-Hotel, Philadelphia : Stadthotel mit 900 Zimmern = Hôtel urbain de 900 chambres = A city hotel of 900 rooms 120
Download as PDF Article: Dallas Statler Hotel, Dallas, Texas (Hiltonkette) : Stadthotel mit 1001 Zimmern = Hôtel urbain de 1001 cambres = City hotel with 1001 rooms 122
Download as PDF Article: The Motel on the Mountain in New York State : Ferienhotel = Hôtel de vacances = Resort hotel 125
Download as PDF Article: Hotel Amelia-Earhart in Wiesbaden : Stadt- und Ferienhotel mit 400 Standard-Studiozimmern für 1 bis 2 Betten = Hôtel urbain et de vacances à 400 chambres-studio standard pour 1 ou 2 personnes = City and resort hotel 126
Download as PDF Article: Hotel Europa, Salzburg : Stadthotel (Garnibetrieb) mit 104 Zimmern = Hôtel garni urbain de 104 chambres = City-hotel with 104 rooms 128
Download as PDF Article: Hôtel de France, Conakry, Belgisch-Kongo : Ferienhotel mit 80 Zimmern = Hôtel de vacances de 80 chambres = Resort hotel with 80 rooms 130
Download as PDF Article: Hotel Barinas in Barinas (Venezuela) : Moteltyp Ferienhotel mit 47 Zimmern = Hôtel de vacances, genre motel, de 47 chambres = Motel-type resort hotel with 47 rooms 132
Download as PDF Article: Coach Hotel, Dover : Stadthotel mit 40 Doppel- und 15 Einzelzimmern = Hôtel urbain, 40 chambres à deux lits et 15 chambres à un lit = City hotel with 40 double rooms and 15 single rooms 134
Download as PDF Article: Hotel Apollonia, Stockholm 135
Download as PDF Article: Hotel Beaulac, Neuenburg : Stadt- und Ferienhotel mit 70-90 Betten = Hôtel urbain et vacances, 70-90 lits = City and resort hotel with 70-90 beds 136
Download as PDF Article: Hotel Astoria, Luzern : Stadthotel (Garnibetrieb) mit 95 Zimmern = Hôtel garni urbain de 95 chambres = City hotel with 95 rooms 138
Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 73
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Download as PDF Advertising 77
Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 78
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Download as PDF Rubric: Muba 1958 80
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Download as PDF Advertising 109
Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen aus der Industrie 110
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 111
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Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 5: Bauten der Gesundheitspflege = Maisons de santé = Hospitals _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Summary _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Bauten der Gesundheitspflege = Maisons de santé = Hospital buildings 141
Download as PDF Article: Beilinson Hospital Tel Aviv, Israel 144
Download as PDF Article: Hôpital Avicenne, Rabat, Marokko 150
Download as PDF Article: Gedanken über die Pflegeeinheit 155
Download as PDF Article: Kinderspital Aarau 159
Download as PDF Article: Ärztezentrum in San Bernardino, Californien (Medical group practice clinic) 162
Download as PDF Article: Sanatorium Valbella, Davos 166
Download as PDF Article: Beratungsstelle der Unicef für Frauen- und Kinderpflege, Zagreb, Jugoslawien 169
Download as PDF Article: Pflegeheim für senile Patienten, Stratheden Hospital, Fife, Schottland 170
Download as PDF Article: Orthopädische Kinderklinik in South Bend, Indiana, USA 173
Download as PDF Article: Gespräch über das Krankenbett = Discussion sur le lit d'hôpital = Discussion of the problem of the hospital bed 176
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 113
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 114
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Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen aus der Industrie 120
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 130
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Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 132
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 136
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Download as PDF Rubric: Baurecht 143
Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 143
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Download as PDF Obituary: E.E. Strasser, alt Stadtplaner von Bern 146
Download as PDF Obituary: Professor Hans Hofmann 146
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Download as PDF Rubric: Neuheiten aus der Industrie 147
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Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 6 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés _
Download as PDF Rubric: Summary _
Download as PDF Preface: Verwaltungsbauten, Fabriken und Wohlfahrtshäuser = Administrations et industries, bâtiments sociaux = Administration buildings, factories and welfare centres _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Connecticut General Life Insurance Co., Bloomfield, Conn., USA 177
Download as PDF Article: Das Landesversorgungsamt Bayern in München = Bavarian State Food Administration Munich = Administration bavardoise des vivres à Munich 186
Download as PDF Article: Kohlensäurewerke C.G. Rommenhöller GmbH in Hamburg-Altona = Usine d'acide carbonique à Hambourg = Carbonic acid plant in Hamburg 190
Download as PDF Article: Das Amerika-Haus Hamburg = La Amerika-Haus à Hambourg = The America House in Hamburg 194
Download as PDF Article: Wohlfahrtsgebäude der Ciba in Basel = Bâtiment social de la Ciba à Bâle = Welfare building of Ciba in Basle 198
Download as PDF Article: Wohlfahrtsgebäude einer Automobilfabrik in Barcelona = Bâtiment social d'une fabrique d'automobiles à Barcelona = Welfare building of a motor-car factory in Barcelona 202
Download as PDF Article: Sozialgebäude der Firma Linde's Eismaschinen AG in Mainz-Kostheim 206
Download as PDF Article: Brasilien baut seine neue Hauptstadt = Le Brésil construit sa nouvelle capitale = Brazil builds its new capital city 209
Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 149
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Download as PDF Rubric: Probleme ; Bemerkungen 154
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Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen aus der Industrie 168
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Download as PDF Rubric: Unser Redaktor besuchte... 170
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 171
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 172
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Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 173
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 175
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Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 7: Einfamilien- und Ferienhäuser = Maisons familiales et maisons de vacances = One-family houses and summer houses _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés _
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Download as PDF Article: Haus am Pazifik = Maison située au bord du Pacifique = House situated on the Pacific coast 213
Download as PDF Article: Kleines Wohnhaus eines Arztehepaares in Klampenborg, Dänemark = Petite habitation d'un médecin et sa femme à Klampenborg, Danemark = Small house of a doctor and his wife at Klampenborg, Denmark 216
Download as PDF Article: Eigenheim eines Architekten in Baden bei Zürich = Habitation d'un architecte à Baden = House of an architect at Baden 218
Download as PDF Article: Haus in Pasadena, Kalifornien = Maison à Pasadena, Californie = House in Pasadena, California 220
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus in Sissach/Baselland = Habitation familiale à Sissach = One-family house at Sissach 222
Download as PDF Article: Atriumhäuser auf der Interbau Berlin 1957 = Maisons-atrium de l'Interbau Berlin 1957 = Court yardhouses Interbau Berlin 1957 224
Download as PDF Article: Haus eines Journalisten in Naerum, Dänemark = Habitation d'un journaliste à Naerum, Danemark = Journalist's house at Naerum, Denmark 227
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus in Rungsted, Dänemark = Habitation familiales à Rungsted, Denmark 228
Download as PDF Article: Sommerhaus in Tisvilde, Dänemark = Maison de vacances d'été à Tisvilde, Danemark = Summer house in Tisvilde, Denmark 230
Download as PDF Article: Atelieranbau in Darmstadt = Aile d'atelier à Darmstadt = Studio annex in Darmstadt 232
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus am Starnberger See = Maison familiale au Starnberger See = One-family house on Starnberger See 234
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus in Königstein (Taunus) = Habitation familiale à Königstein (Taunus) = One-family house at Königstein (Taunus) 236
Download as PDF Article: Teppichsiedlung Biserhof, St. Gallen = Colonie Biserhof, St Gall = Dwelling houses, Biserhof, St. Gall 237
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für Freizeithaus mit Jugendherberge in Sargans = Projet de la maison des loisirs et de l'auberge de la jeunesse à Sargans = Plan of vacation house and youth hostel at Sargans 241
Download as PDF Article: Projekt Einfamilienhaus in Riehen bei Basel = Projet d'habitation familiale à Riehen près Bâle = Plan of one-family house in Riehen near Basel 242
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Einfamilienhaus in Gross-Breitenbach, Odenwald = Projet d'habitation familiale à Gross-Breitenbach, Odenwald = Plan for a one-family house in Gross-Breitenbach, Odenwald 244
Download as PDF Article: Garten am Zürichsee = Jardin près du Lac de Zurich = Garden on Lake of Zurich 245
Download as PDF Article: Erste Schweizerische Gartenausstellung in Zürich 1959 = Première exposition suisse de jardinage à Zurich, 1959 = First Swiss garden exhibition in Zurich, 1959 248
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 177
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 180
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Download as PDF Rubric: Tagungen 182
Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 182
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 188
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 192
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 194
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Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 8: Bauten des Verkaufs = Bâtiments de vente = Sales buildings _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés _
Download as PDF Rubric: Summary _
Download as PDF Preface: Bauten des Verkaufs = Bâtiments de vente = Sales buildings _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Verkaufen gestern-heute-morgen = Vendre hier-aujourd'hui-demain = Selling yesterday-today-tomorrow 249
Download as PDF Article: Super Market und Warenhaus in den USA = Super market et grand magasin aux Etats-Unis = Super market and department store in the U.S.A. 252
Download as PDF Article: Ladenzentren und Warenhäuser in Rotterdam = Centres de magasins et grande magasins à Rotterdam = Shopping centers and department stores in Rotterdam 255
Download as PDF Article: Der "BIJENKORF" in Rotterdam = Le "Bijenkorf" à Rotterdam = The "Bijenkorf" in Rotterdam 257
Download as PDF Article: Warenhaus "Galeries modernes" Rotterdam = Magasin "Galeries modernes" Rotterdam = "Galeries modernes" department store, Rotterdam" 263
Download as PDF Article: Warenhaus und Shopping Center in USA = Grand magasin et shopping center en Amérique = Department store and shopping center in the USA 266
Download as PDF Article: Roosevelt Field Shopping Center, Nassau County, Long Island 270
Download as PDF Article: Projekt zum Einkaufszentrum mit Industrieausstellung "Helicoide" in Caracas = Projet de centre d'achat avec exposition industrielle à Caracas = Plan for a shopping center with industrial exhibition in Caracas 281
Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 197
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Download as PDF Article: Wechsel in unserer Redaktion 200
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Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 202
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik, Baustoffe 206
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Download as PDF Rubric: Neuheiten aus der Industrie 218
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 220
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 222
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 223
Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen aus der Industrie 223
Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
Issue 9: Theaterbau = Théâtres = Theatres _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés _
Download as PDF Rubric: Summary _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Spezialnummer : Theaterbau = Numéro spécial sur la construction de théâtres = Special issue on theatre construction 285
Download as PDF Article: Das voll ausgerüstete Staatstheater = Le théâtre moderne = The fully equipped national theatre 288
Download as PDF Article: Ein neues Haus für die Oper = Un nouveau bâtiment pour l'Opéra = A new building for the Opera 293
Download as PDF Article: Die Bühnentechnik im Theaterbau = La technique scénique dans la construction de théâtres = Stage designing in theatre construction 294
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Universitätstheater in Südafrika = Projet de théâtre universitaire en Afrique du sud = Plan of a university theatre in South Africa 300
Download as PDF Article: Theaterstudien = Etudes sur le théâtre = Theatre studies 301
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für das Basler Stadttheater = Projet du théâtre municipal de Bâle = Plan for the Basle municipal theatre 306
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für einen Konzert- und Theatersaal in Beirut, Libanon = Projet de théâtre-salle de concert à Beyrouth, Liban = Plan for a concert hall and theatre in Beirut, Lebanon 308
Download as PDF Article: Teatro Sant' Erasmo, Mailand, erbaut 1953 = Théâtre Sant' Erasmo, Milan, construit en 1953 = Teatro Sant' Erasmo, Milan, erected 1953 309
Download as PDF Article: Haus der Kultur in Helsinki = Maison de la culture à Helsinki = Cultural Center in Helsinki 310
Download as PDF Article: Studiobühne des Stadttheaters Buenos Aires = Scène d'essai du théâtre municipal de Buenos Aires, construite en 1958 = Studio stage of the municipal theatre of Buenos Aires, erected 1958 312
Download as PDF Article: Edificio'Polar und Teatro del Este, Caracas 313
Download as PDF Bibliography: Bibliographie = Bibliographie = Bibliography 316
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Download as PDF Association News: 50 Jahre BSA 225
Download as PDF Article: Unser Wohnen könnte menschlicher sein 225
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 228
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Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 234
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 238
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 243
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 246
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Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen aus der Industrie 248
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 250
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Issue 10: Schulbauten = Ecoles = School buildings _
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Download as PDF Preface: Schulbauten = Ecoles = School buildings _
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Download as PDF Article: Kleinkinderschule in Coventry = Jardin d'enfants à Coventry = Kindergarten in Coventry 317
Download as PDF Article: Primarschulhaus "Im Feld", Wetzikon = Ecole primaire "Im Feld", Wetzikon = Primary school "Im Feld", Wetzikon 320
Download as PDF Article: Primarschule Tapiola bei Helsinki = Ecola [i.e. Ecole] primaire à Tapiola près de Helsinki = Primary school in Tapiola near Helsinki 323
Download as PDF Article: Primarschule mit Gemeindesaal in Kulosaari bei Helsinki = Ecole primaire avec salle communale à Kulosaari près de Helsinki = Primary school with community hall in Kulosaari near Helsinki 326
Download as PDF Article: Sekundarschule in Chaddesden, Derbyshire = Ecole secondaire à Chaddesden, Derbyshire = Secondary school at Chaddesden, Derbyshire 328
Download as PDF Article: Sekundarschule für Mädchen in Sheffield, Yorkshire = Ecole secondaire filles à Sheffield, Yorkshire = Secondary school for girls in Sheffield, Yorkshire 331
Download as PDF Article: Burleigh County Secondary School in Hatfield, England 334
Download as PDF Article: Mittelschule in Mörby bei Stockholm = Ecole primaire supérieure à Mörby près de Stockholm = Intermediate school at Mörby near Stockholm 338
Download as PDF Article: Handelsschule Heidelberg = Ecole de commerce Heidelberg = Heidelberg Business College 342
Download as PDF Article: Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, California 346
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für St. Saviours und St. Olaves Girl Grammar School in London = Projet pour la St. Saviours and St. Olaves Girls Grammar School à Londres = Plan for St. Saviour's and St. Olafs Girls' Grammar School in London 349
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Download as PDF Article: Frank Lloyd Wright und seine Nachfolge 253
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Download as PDF Article: Das Stockwerkeigentum in der Schweiz 254
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 260
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Download as PDF Rubric: Vorträge 264
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Download as PDF Rubric: Die Seite der Schule 268
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 270
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Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen aus der Industrie 274
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wohnen 284
Download as PDF Rubric: Tagungen 284
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Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 11: Kirchenbau = Eglises = Churches _
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Download as PDF Article: Kirchenbau = La construction d'églises = Church construction _
Download as PDF Article: Kirchenbau in unserer Zeit : der Standpunkt des Architekten = [Construction des églises en temps moderne] : le point de vue de l'architecte = [Church building today] : the point of view of the architect 354
Download as PDF Article: Kirchenbau : Forderungen und Wünsche der Bauherrin = [Construction des églises] : exigences et désirs du commettant = [Church building] : requirements and wishes of church leaders 359
Download as PDF Article: St. André, Nizza, erbaut 1955 = St-André de Nice, construite en 1955 = St. André in Nice, build in 1955 363
Download as PDF Article: Waldkirche in Otaniemi = Eglise dans la forêt d'Otaniemi = Church in the forest of Otaniemi 364
Download as PDF Article: Kirche bei Salsomaggiore 369
Download as PDF Article: St. John's Abbey Church, Collegeville, Minnesota 370
Download as PDF Article: Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Wendel, Frankfurt a.M. = Eglise catholique St-Wendel, Francfort s.-M. = St. Wendel Catholic church, Frankfurt o.M. 373
Download as PDF Article: Niederländisch-reformierte Kirche in Schiedam = Eglise réformée néerlandaise à Schiedam = Dutch reformed church in Schiedam 375
Download as PDF Article: Evangelische St. Martins-Kirche, Hannover-Linden = Eglise évangélique St-Martin, Hanovre-Linden = St. Martin's Protestant Church, Hanover-Linden 378
Download as PDF Article: Entwurf für eine Wallfahrtskirche in Syrakus = Projet d'une église de pèlerinage à Syracuse = Plan for a pilgrimage church in Syracuse 379
Download as PDF Article: Reformierte Kirche Heiligfeld, Zürich = Eglise réformée Heiligfeld, Zurich = Heiligfeld reformed church, Zurich 382
Download as PDF Article: Entwicklung des Kirchenbaus = Le développement dans la construction d'églises = Development of church construction 383
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Download as PDF Article: Namen und Werke 289
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Download as PDF Article: Gedanken zum Kirchenbau 294
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Download as PDF Article: Notwendige Worte zur Frage "Gedächtniskirche", Berlin 298
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Download as PDF Book review: Zwei neuerschienene Bücher über Kirchenbau 302
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Download as PDF Article: Gottesdienstraum SAFFA 1958 304
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 306
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Download as PDF Obituary: Ernst F. Burckhardt 308
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Download as PDF Obituary: Adolf Dätwyler-Gamma 310
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wohnen 312
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Issue 12: Einfamilienhäuser = Maisons familiales = One-family houses _
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Download as PDF Preface: Am Rande : Architekten und Architektur _
Download as PDF Article: Haus in Odden = Maison à Odden = House at Odden 386
Download as PDF Article: Haus auf fünf Ebenen : Einfamilienhaus in Farnley Tyas, Yorkshire, 1953 = Habitation familiale à Farnley Tyas, Yorkshire, 1953 = One-family house at Farnley Tyas, Yorkshire, 1953 390
Download as PDF Article: Haus S. in Santa Barbara, Kalifornien = Maison S. à Santa Barbara, Californie = S. House in Santa Barbara, California 394
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhaus in der Wüste = Habitation dans le désert = House in the desert 399
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhaus Sidney Troxell, Pacific Palisades = Habitation Sidney Troxell, Pacific Palisades = Sidney Troxell house, Pacific Palisades 402
Download as PDF Article: Wohnen im 1. Stock = Habitation au premier étage = Living on the first floor 405
Download as PDF Article: Zweizimmerhaus mit Wohnhof = Habitation à deux pièces avec cour de séjour = Two-room house with patio 406
Download as PDF Article: Neue Wege im Möbelbau = Nouvelles voies dans la construction des meubles = New ways in furniture construction 407
Download as PDF Article: Verschraubte Möbel 411
Download as PDF Article: Möbel, Lampen, Wohngeräte = Meubles lampes, articles ménagers = Furniture, lamps, household articles 415
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Download as PDF Article: Verantwortliche Formgebung 317
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 326
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wohnen 328
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 332
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Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen aus der Industrie 334
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 336
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Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 339
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Download as PDF Rubric: Baurecht 340
Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 341
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Download as PDF Index: 1958 : 12. Jahrgang 345
Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _