E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 60 (1987)
Heading Page
Heft 1: Val d'Anniviers _
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Download as PDF Artikel: Les Anniviards - descendants d'Attila = Die Anniviarden - Söhne und Töchter Attilas = The Anniviards - sons and daughters of Attila = Gli Anniviardi - figli e figlie di Attila 2
Download as PDF Artikel: Grimentz : les Rogations, la maison bourgeoisiale, la cave et les channes = Grimentz : Geschichte und Brauchtum 34
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] 48
Download as PDF Rubrik: SVZ-Nachrichten = Informations de l’ONST 49
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Kulturelle Aktualitäten] 50
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung: Neue Bücher 50
Download as PDF Rubrik: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 56
Download as PDF Werbung 58
Download as PDF Werbung 61
Download as PDF Rubrik: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Heft 2: Begegnungen : fremdländisches in der Schweiz = apports étrangers en Suisse = apporti forestieri in Svizzera = foreign contributions to the Swiss scene _
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Download as PDF Artikel: Klösterliches Tibet-Institut Rikon = The Monastic Tibet Institute in Rikon = Institut monacal tibétain de Rikon = Istituto tibetano di Rikon - un monastero 2
Download as PDF Artikel: Indiennes : exotischer Kattundruck in der Schweiz = Etoffes imprimées : Indiennes = Printed fabrics : Indiennes = Indiana : stoffa stampata 16
Download as PDF Artikel: Tell auf Schwarzwälder Granit : vom leichten Umgang mit fremden Steinen = Tell sur granit de la Forêt-Noire : de l'usage commode des pierres étrangères 24
Download as PDF Artikel: Schaffhausen - Samarkand - Bern : Henri Moser-Charlottenfels und seine fast vergessene orientalische Sammlung = Henri Moser-Charlottenfels : et sa collection orientale presque tombée dans l'oubli 32
Download as PDF Artikel: L'Eglise russe orthodoxe de Vevey = Die russisch-orthodoxe Kirche in Vevey = The Russian orthodox church of Vevey 42
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] 49
Download as PDF Rubrik: [SVZ-Nachrichten = Informations de l’ONST] 50
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Kulturelle Aktualitäten] 51
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung: Das Land hinter den blauen Bergen [Arnold Fuchs] 54
Download as PDF Rubrik: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 54
Download as PDF Werbung 56
Download as PDF Werbung 59
Download as PDF Rubrik: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Heft 3: Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis _
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Download as PDF Artikel: Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis = Die Zeiten ändern sich - und wir uns mit ihnen (lateinisches Sprichwort) = Les temps changent et nous changeons avec eux (proverbe latin) = I tempi mutano - e noi con loro (proverbio latino) = The times change, and we change with them (Latin proverb) 2
Download as PDF Artikel: Im Wandel der Zeit = Dans la mutation des temps = Il mutare dei tempi = Changing times 18
Download as PDF Rubrik: SVZ-Nachrichten = Informations de l’ONST 46
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] 47
Download as PDF Rubrik: Aktualitaeten = Actualitées = Attualita' = Tourist news 47
Download as PDF Rubrik: Schweizer-Ferien-Rätsel : Kreuzworträtsel 51
Download as PDF Rubrik: Ausstellungen = Expositions = Esposizioni = Exhibitions 52
Download as PDF Rubrik: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 56
Download as PDF Rubrik: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Heft 4: Begegnungen : heute - gestern - morgen = Rencontres : aujourd'hui - hier - demain = Incontri : oggi - ieri - domani = Meetings : today - yesterday - tomorrow _
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Download as PDF Artikel: Vom Vergnügen des Reisens = Le plaisir du voyage = On the pleasures of travel = Il piacere di viaggiare 2
Download as PDF Artikel: Früher Schweizer Tourismus - Begegnung, Landschaft, Sauberkeit : Geschichten aus dem 19. Jahrhundert = Les débuts du tourisme suisse - rencontres, paysage, propreté : histoires du siècle passé = Gli albori del turismo in Svizzera - incontri, paesaggio, pulizia : storie del XIX. secolo = Early Swiss tourism - meetings, landscape, cleanliness : episodes from the nineteenth century 24
Download as PDF Artikel: Eine Zukunft für unsere Gäste? = Un avenir pour nos hôtes? = Un futuro per i nostri ospiti? 38
Download as PDF Artikel: Zeittafel zur Geschichte "200 Jahre Tourismus in der Schweiz" = "200 ans de tourisme en Suisse" - brève chronique 46
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] 48
Download as PDF Rubrik: SVZ-Nachrichten = Informations de l’ONST 49
Download as PDF Rubric: Aktualitaeten = Actualitées = Attualita' = Tourist news 50
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen = Expositions = Esposizioni = Exhibitions 53
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 57
Download as PDF Advertising 61
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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Download as PDF Back matter _
Issue 5: Sagenberge : Pilatus, Bürgenstock, Rigi, Niederbauen, Rophaien = Montagnes de légende = Monti leggendari = Mountains of myth and legend _
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Download as PDF Article: Unwetter am Pilatus = Orages sur le Pilate et légendes du dragon = Storm over Pilatus 2
Download as PDF Article: Rund um den Bürgenstock = Autour du Bürgenstock = The Bürgenstock 12
Download as PDF Article: Die Wildleute auf dem Rigiberg = Les gnomes du Rigi = The wild folk on the Rigi 18
Download as PDF Article: Gespenstiges am Niederbauen = Le fantôme du Niederbauen = Ghost stories of the Niederbauen 26
Download as PDF Article: Am Rophaien ; Sagen aus dem Riemenstaldental = Légendes du val de Riemenstalden = Legends from the Riemenstalden Valley 34
Download as PDF Article: Dampfschiffe verbinden die Sagenberge am Vierwaldstättersee ; Schwimmende Belle Époque auf dem Vierwaldstättersee = Des bateaux à vapeur relient les montagnes de légende 42
Download as PDF Rubric: Wandern = Randonnées = Escursioni = Hiking 46
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 48
Download as PDF Rubric: Aktualitaeten = Actualités = Attualita' = Tourist news 49
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen = Expositions = Esposizioni = Exhibitions 51
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 53
Download as PDF Advertising 55
Download as PDF Advertising 57
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Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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Issue 6: Mesolcina = Misox _
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Download as PDF Article: Cenni di storia della valle = Aus der Geschichte des Tals = Extrait des annales de la vallée = A Note on the Valley's History 2
Download as PDF Article: La Mesolcina di oggi = Das Misox heute = Le val Mesocco aujourd'hui 9
Download as PDF Article: Soazza : Palazzo a Marca 20
Download as PDF Article: Emigrazione verso il nord = Emigration nach Norden = Emigration vers le nord 21
Download as PDF Article: Ferrovia Bellinzona-Mesocco 22
Download as PDF Article: Wandern im Misox = Randonnée pédestre au val Mesocco 48
Download as PDF Article: Postauto im Misox = Autopostali in Mesolcina 49
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 49
Download as PDF Rubric: SVZ-Nachrichten = Informations de l’ONST 50
Download as PDF Rubric: Aktualitaeten = Actualités = Attualita' 51
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen = Expositions = Esposizioni = Exhibitions 53
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 58
Download as PDF Advertising 61
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Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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Issue 7: Velo : Faszination Radfahren : vom Laufrad zur Radwanderung = Bicyclette : fascination du vélo : de la roue porteuse à la randonnée à bicyclette = il fascino della bici : dalla draisina alla gita in bicicletta = Bike : fascination of cycling : from the draisine to the cycling tour _
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Download as PDF Article: Streifzug durch die Geschichte des Fahrrads = Bref historique de la bicyclette = Cenni di storia della bicicletta = A spin through the history of the bicycle 2
Download as PDF Article: Kunstradfahren - Virtuosität auf zwei Rädern = Vélo acrobatique - virtuoses sur deux roues 14
Download as PDF Article: Die Bedeutung des Velos im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts = Importance de la bicyclette au cours du XXe siècle 14
Download as PDF Article: Radball - faszinierender Sport = Polo-vélo - un sport fascinant 16
Download as PDF Article: Velo-Trial - ein junger Sport = Vélo-trial - un sport récent 18
Download as PDF Article: Ein Fahrrad entsteht = Naissance d'une bicyclette = Come nasce una bicicletta 20
Download as PDF Article: Velogemel seit über 75 Jahren = Le "velogemel" a plus de 75 ans = The "Velogemel" is over 75 years old 27
Download as PDF Article: Mit dem Velo zurück zum menschlichen Mass = Le vélo, moyen de locomotion à la mesure de l'homme = La bicicletta, un mezzo di trasporto a misura d'uomo 31
Download as PDF Article: Der grosse Freizeit-Fahrradboom = Le grand essor du cyclisme d'agrément 38
Download as PDF Article: Mieten Sie ein Velo an irgendeinem Bahnhof! = Louez une bicyclette à n'importe quelle gare! 44
Download as PDF Rubric: Radtouren = Randonnées à bicyclette = Cycling tours = Gite in bicicletta 46
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 48
Download as PDF Rubric: Informations de l’ONST 51
Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 51
Download as PDF Rubric: Aktualitaeten = Actualités = Attualita' = Tourist news 52
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen = Expositions = Esposizioni = Exhibitions 55
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 58
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Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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Issue 8: Ville de Lausanne : une belle paysanne qui a fait ses humanités = eine hübsche Bäuerin mit höherer Bildung = una graziosa contadina che ha superato i suoi esami di maturità = a pretty peasant girl who has matriculated _
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Download as PDF Preface: Celui qui, après avoir laissé à sa droite la métropole genevoise [...] = Wer in Lausanne dem TGV - nachdem dieser die Metropole Genf rechts hat liegenlassen [...] = A Losanna, chi scende dal TGV giunto da Ginerva e, fra taxi strombazzanti [...] 2
Download as PDF Article: Place St. François 4
Download as PDF Article: Une ville d'art? = Eine Kunststadt? = Una città d'arte? 6
Download as PDF Article: Une ville en morceaux = Stadt in Stücken = A piecemeal portrait of the town 12
Download as PDF Article: Bar Brasserie Bistrot = Kneipe Spunte Beiz 22
Download as PDF Article: Du village de pêcheurs à la station du grand monde 28
Download as PDF Article: Musée de l'Art Brut 30
Download as PDF Article: Musée de l'Elysée 34
Download as PDF Article: Fondation de l'Hermitage 36
Download as PDF Article: Musée de la Pipe 38
Download as PDF Advertising 41
Download as PDF Article: Concours = Wettbewerb 43
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Download as PDF Article: La gare de Lausanne 48
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 48
Download as PDF Rubric: SVZ-Nachrichten = Informations de l’ONST 49
Download as PDF Rubric: Aktualitaeten = Actualités = Attualita' = Tourist news 49
Download as PDF Book review: Buecher = Livres 50
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen = Expositions = Esposizioni = Exhibitions 51
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 54
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Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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Issue 9: San Gottardo _
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Download as PDF Article: Bahnverbindung Gotthard = Liaison ferroviaire du Gothard = Collegamento ferroviario via Gottardo = Gotthard rail connections 2
Download as PDF Article: Strassenverbindung Gotthard = Liaison routière du Gothard = Collegamento stradale via Gottardo = Gotthard road connections 12
Download as PDF Article: Mit Läuferboten, Reiterkurieren, Pferdeposten, Bahnposten und Postautos - am Gotthard war die Post immer dabei = Courriers, estafettes, postes attelées, wagons-poste et autos postales : la poste n'a jamais cessé d'être présente au Gothard = Messi, messaggeri a cavallo, diligenze postali, posta ferroviaria e autopostali - la posta è sempre stata presente sul Gottardo 16
Download as PDF Article: Museo San Gottardo 18
Download as PDF Article: Von Norden zum Gotthard = Le Gothard à partir du Nord = Dal nord verso il Gottardo = From the North to the Gotthard 24
Download as PDF Article: Unbekannte Wegabschnitte zwischen Urnersee und Göschenen 26
Download as PDF Article: Wandern auf historischen Pfaden 29
Download as PDF Article: Kosaken am Gotthard = Des cosaques au Gothard 30
Download as PDF Article: Dal sud verso il Gottardo = Le Gothard à partir du Sud = Von Süden zum Gotthard = From the South to the Gotthard 34
Download as PDF Article: Flugverbindung Gotthard = Liaison aérienne du Gothard = Collegamento aereo via Gottardo = Gotthard air connections 42
Download as PDF Article: Telekommunikationsverbindung Gotthard = Liaison du Gothard par télécommunications = Telecomunicazioni via Gottardo = Gotthard telecommunications 44
Download as PDF Article: Stromverbindung Gotthard = Liaison du Gothard par ligne électrique = Elettrodotti del Gottardo = Gotthard electricity supply lines 46
Download as PDF Article: Postautoausflüge im Gotthardgebiet = Excursions en car postal dans la région du Gothard 48
Download as PDF Article: Wandern auf alten Saumpfaden 48
Download as PDF Article: Erste Fotografien der Alpen 48
Download as PDF Article: Auf den Spuren General Suworows - per Velo und zu Fuss 48
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 48
Download as PDF Advertising 49
Download as PDF Rubric: Aktualitaeten = Actualités = Attualita' = Tourist news 50
Download as PDF Book review: Buecher = Livres 52
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen = Expositions = Esposizioni = Exhibitions 53
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 58
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Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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Issue 10: Bischofszell : Bezirk abseits der Heerstrasse = district à l'écart de la route stratégique = distretto discosto dalle grandi vie strategiche = district off the Beaten Track _
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Download as PDF Article: Der Bezirkshauptort = Le chef-lieu du district = Il capoluogo distrettuale = District Capital 2
Download as PDF Article: Bischofszeller Landschaften = Paysages de la région = Paesaggi attorno a Bischofszell = Bischofszell landscapes 18
Download as PDF Article: Wirtschaft und Industrie im Bezirk Bischofszell = Economie et industrie dans le district de Bischofszell = Trade and industry in the district of Bischofszell 26
Download as PDF Article: Mammut-Flossrennen Sitter-Thur 34
Download as PDF Article: Amriswil das grösste Dorf im Bezirk = Amriswil le plus grand village du district = Amriswil il villaggio più grosso del Distretto = Amriswil the district's largest village 36
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 46
Download as PDF Advertising 47
Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerb = Concours = Concorso = Competition 49
Download as PDF Rubric: SVZ-Nachrichten = Informations de l’ONST 49
Download as PDF Rubric: Aktualitaeten = Actualités = Attualita' = Tourist news 51
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen = Expositions = Esposizioni = Exhibitions 52
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 57
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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Issue 11: Handwerkskunst : Handwerk oder Kunst? = Art artisanal : métier ou art? = L'arte degli artigiani : artigianato o arte? = Arts and crafts : arts or crafts? _
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Download as PDF Article: Handwerk und Kunstwerk = Artisanat et ouvrage d'art = Artist and artisan 2
Download as PDF Article: Zimmern in der Heimatwerkschule = La charpenterie à l'Ecole des arts et métiers 4
Download as PDF Article: Der Zimmermann = Le charpentier = Il carpentiere = The carpenter 6
Download as PDF Article: Der Hammerschmied = Le marteleur = Il fabbro ferraio = The hammersmith 12
Download as PDF Article: Die Glasbläserin : vom Edelsteinersatz zum Kunstwerk= La souffleuse de verre : de la pierre artificielle au joyau artistique = La soffiatrice di vetro : da surrogato delle pietre preziose ad opera d'arte = The glassblower : from gemstone substitutes to works of art 16
Download as PDF Article: Der Steinbildhauer : Stein und Musik = Le sculpteur sur pierre : la pierre et la musique = Lo scultore in pietra = The sculptor 26
Download as PDF Article: Die Goldschmiedin = L'orfèvre-joaillière = L'orafa = The goldsmith 36
Download as PDF Article: Der Sackmaler = Le peintre sur sacs = Il pittore di sacchi = The sack painter 42
Download as PDF Article: Der Holzbildhauer = Le sculpteur sur bois = Lo scultore in legno = The wood carver 44
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 48
Download as PDF Rubric: SVZ-Nachrichten = Informations de l’ONST 49
Download as PDF Rubric: Aktualitaeten = Actualités = Attualita' = Tourist news 50
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen = Expositions = Esposizioni = Exhibitions 53
Download as PDF Book review: Buecher = Livres 55
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 56
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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Issue 12: Hasli _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Article: Im Skigebiet Meiringen/Hasliberg = Dans la région de ski Meiringen/Hasliberg 2
Download as PDF Article: "Gemeind von Hasle" : aus der Geschichte = Brève chronique de la "Commune de Hasle" = A brief history of the "Commune of Hasle" 10
Download as PDF Article: Im Talboden zwischen Innertkirchen und Meiringen = Dans le fond de la vallée, entre Innertkirchen et Meiringen 11
Download as PDF Article: Meiringen nach dem Brand = Meiringen après l'incendie 16
Download as PDF Article: Das Hasli-Museum 17
Download as PDF Article: Das Gadmertal = Le Gadmertal = La valle di Gadmen = The Gadmen Valley 28
Download as PDF Article: Gegen die Grimsel = Vers le Grimsel = Approaching the Grimsel 32
Download as PDF Article: Triichlen und Ubersitz = Campanes et réveillon = A Hasli Valley custom 34
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Download as PDF Article: Kraftwerke an der Grimsel = Centrales électriques au Grimsel = Power stations on the Grimsel Pass 44
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 46
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Download as PDF Rubric: SVZ-Nachrichten = Informations de l’ONST 49
Download as PDF Rubric: Aktualitaeten = Actualités = Attualita' = Tourist news 49
Download as PDF Book review: Buecher = Livres 52
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen = Expositions = Esposizioni = Exhibitions 53
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines 54
Download as PDF Advertising 59
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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