Issue 1
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Obituary: Nachruf auf Gunnar Richter (1936-2021)
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Preface: Zeit in der vormodernen japanischen Literatur : Vorwort = Time in premodern Japanese literature : preface
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Article: The adoption of the Chinese calendar and its impact on seasonal poetry in early Japan (c. 700 to 1000)
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Article: Auf der Suche nach der Zeit als narratologische Analysekategorie : mit Beispielen aus der setsuwa-Literatur = In search of time as a narratological category of analysis : with examples from setsuwa literature
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Article: Ritualzeit : Zeitwahrnehmungen und Zeitpraktiken am Hof um 1000 = Ritual time : perceptions and practices of time at the Japanese Court around 1000
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Article: Temporal regimes in Kenmu nitchū gyōji (daily observances of the Kenmu era), with annotated translation
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Article: "Aufgeblähte Zeit" in narrativer Lyrik : Yakamochis Einleitungssequenz zum neunzehnten Man'yōshū-Band = "Enlarged time" in narrative poems : Yakamochi's opening sequence to Man'yōshū book 19
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Article: Temporality in Renga
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Article: Nagaraeba : Hegel und Fujiwara no Kiyosuke = Nagaraeba : Hegel and Fujiwara no Kiyosuke
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Article: Auf dem Weg zu einem Völkerbund : Yanaihara Tadaos Kritik an der japanischen Kolonialpolitik auf Taiwan
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Article: Nations in a showcase : a comparative perspective on the Italian national jubilee (1961) and the Meiji centennial (1968)
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Article: Elements of Max Weber's model of rationalization in the political analysis of Maruyama Masao
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Book review: Comptes rendus = Book reviews
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Issue 2
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Article: Introduction : alchemy in the Islamicate world
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Article: The alchemical work of Khālid b. Yazīd b. Mu'āwiya (d. c. 85/704)
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Article: In code we trust : the concept of rumūz in Andalusī alchemical literature and related texts
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Article: The tongues of stones : diversity of interlocutions in Arabic alchemical writings
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Article: Alchemical lexica in Syriac : planetary signs, code names and medicines
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Article: Alchemy in the Cairo Genizah : the Nachlass of an untidy Jewish alchemist
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Article: Alchemy in an age of disclosure : the case of an Arabic Pseudo-Aristotelian treatise and its Syriac Christian "translator"
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Article: The Alchemist's work : Ibn Afra' Ra's and the reception of his collection of alchemical poems Shudhūr al-dhahab
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Article: Alchemical stanzaic poetry (muwashshaḥ) by Ibn Afra' Ra's (fl. twelfth century)
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Article: Classical poetic motifs as alchemical metaphors in the Shudhūr al-dhahab and its commentaries
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Article: The alchemical symbols in the manuscripts of "The Mirror of Wonders" (Mir'āt al-'ajā'ib)
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Article: "Take dragon's blood and crush it to a fine powder" : recipes in the alchemical composite manuscript MS Gotha orient A. 1162
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Book review: Comptes rendus = Book reviews
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Issue 3
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Table of Contents
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Article: On modern Muslim subjectivity formation : introduction
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Article: Engineering the "Islamic personality" : Muslim Brotherhood education between theory and practice
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Article: The medicine chest : education in the light of Abdel Hakim Murad's understanding of modernity
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Article: Rescuing the Muslim collective self : the Nur case in light of the modern Muslim subjectivities project
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Article: Sufism, subjectivity and parapsychology : refashioning the dirbāsha ritual among Sufis in modern Iraq
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Article: From military hero to martyr : crafting singularity and the formation of Muslim collective subjectivity in an Iranian statist ritual
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Article: "Are you gay or do you do gay?" : subjectivities in "gay" stories on the Persian sexblog
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Issue 4
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Table of Contents
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Article: Framing the Qin collapse : redaction and authorship of the Shiji 史記
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Article: The recently found Map of the World (Kunyutu 坤輿圖) : a philological survey
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Article: Kūn’s 'body': the many appearances and meanings of the pure even-numbered trigram in the early Yìjīng and related texts
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Article: Volitive Modalverben im Deutschen und im modernen Chinesisch = Volitional modal verbs in German and in Mandarin
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Article: Naufragés japonais et leur rôle dans les relations nippo-occidentales : défis d'une étude globale
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Article: A blending of Buddhism, social engagement, and alternative agriculture from Thailand : the Maap Euang meditation centre for sufficiency economy
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Article: Les politiques d'assistance envers les vétérans infirmes au Japon durant le 20ème siècle
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Article: Chinese literature and "New Methods of Midwifery" during the 1950s
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Book review: Buchbesprechungen = Comptes rendus = Book reviews
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