E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 78 (2024)
Heading Page
Issue 1 _
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Table of Contents _
Preface: Shaping the norm : social and doctrinal development of the Mālikī maḏhab = Construire la norme : développement social et doctrinal du maḏhab mālikite 1
Article: Early Mālikī manuscripts : a retrospective 3
Article: L'émergence du mašhūr mālikite (IVe-VIe/Xe-XIIe siècle) : harmonisation de la norme juridique et crise de l'autorité en Occident musulman 19
Article: Coping with external and internal disintegration forces : Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ and the stabilization of Mālikīsm in the Maghrib 61
Article: Du mālikisme dans les Nukat al-maḥṣūl d'Abū Bakr b. al-'Arabī (m. 543/1148) : contribution à l'histoire des uṣūl al-fiqh en Occident musulman 103
Article: La validité de la prière communautaire en milieu oasien : élaboration d'une jurisprudence saharienne (IXe/XVe s.) 135
Article: Who wrote the Replies to al-Īsī? : Islamization in the Sahel and trans-saharan slavery in early modern Mālikī Fatāwā 149
Article: Judicial practice as Islamic law : the 'amal of Fez in post-classical Mālikī legal tradition 173
Article: Les dynamiques contemporaines du mālikisme francophone 219
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Issue 2 _
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Table of Contents _
Article: After deportation : Chechen and Ingush Sufi groups and their zikr rituals in Soviet Kazakhstan 247
Article: Die Lebenslegende Milarepas als "Wimmelbild" : ein Beitrag zur Erforschung gegenwärtiger traditioneller tibetisch-buddhistischer Wandgemälde 267
Article: Producing knowledge for socio-ecological transformation in Central Asia? : A humbling experiment in re-cognizing rivers 311
Article: Vernacular historiography and shamanic genealogy of the Barga people : Ongyod qar-a sakiyus-un teüke reconsidered 335
Article: Increasing materiality and emerging concepts of ethnic religious identity : the case of 'Kirat religion' in Nepal 387
Book review: Book review 409
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