E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 35 (1980)
Heading Page
Issue 1 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Rubric: Activités des Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques en 1979 _
Download as PDF Article: Allorhizie et homorhizie : une reconsidération des définitions et de la terminologie 19
Download as PDF Article: Contribution à l'étude de Treubaria Bernard : Chlorococcales, Chlorophyceae 37
Download as PDF Article: Voyages d'Edmond Boissier en Orient en 1842 et 1846 71
Download as PDF Article: Hybridization in Ajuga populations 87
Download as PDF Article: Schefflera rainaliana Bernardi spec. nova Madagascariae australis : in memoriam optimi viri Joannis Raynal 111
Download as PDF Article: Synopsis Araliacearum Madagascariae et Comorarum Insularum (auxilio methodi "Ferulago") 117
Download as PDF Article: Las Miristicáceas del Arborétum Jenaro Herrera 133
Download as PDF Article: Remarques sur la distribution en Afrique nord-occidentale d'Acacia seyal Delile et d'Acacia ehrenbergiana Hayne 183
Download as PDF Article: À propos de Bellium nivale Req. 201
Download as PDF Bibliography: Bibliographie botanique corse 1955-1979 211
Download as PDF Article: Esprit Requien et son herbier 223
Download as PDF Article: Sur des paramètres intervenant dans la croissance des arbres : la relation hauteur/diamètre de l'axe primaire aérien 231
Download as PDF Article: Pollen evidence and radiocarbon dating of human activity within the natural forest vegetation of the Pohjanmaa region (northern Finland) 257
Download as PDF Article: Two new hybrids in the Dryopteris villarii aggregate (Pteridophyta, Dryopteridaceae), and the origin of D. submontana 305
Download as PDF Article: A contribution to the Iraqi Rosaceae 311
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Analyses d'ouvrages 329
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Cahier 2 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Article: Las Anonáceas del Arborétum Jenaro Herrera (provincia de Requena, departamento de Loreto, Perú) _
Download as PDF Article: Quelques espèces de Pandanus (Pandanaceae) peu connues des archipels des Philippines, de Palaos et de Salomon 385
Download as PDF Article: Seed characters in Brassica section Brassica and some related groups 421
Download as PDF Article: Les types biologiques du Silene vulgaris s.l. (Caryophyllaceae) 451
Download as PDF Article: Contribution à l'étude caryologique des Ombellifères du Népal : I. 497
Download as PDF Article: Espèces nouvelles du genre Elaeocarpus provenant des îles de Samar (Philippines), de Bornéo, de Sumatra, de Flores et de Soembawa 511
Download as PDF Article: Contribution à la connaissance taxonomique du Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. : les graines et leur germination 541
Download as PDF Article: A check-list of the Libyan flora : 3. Compositae (corrigenda) 565
Download as PDF Article: Ergänzungen zu P. H. Davis' "Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands" 1-6 (1965-1978) : I 569
Download as PDF Article: Architecture des espèces néo-calédoniennes du genre Araurica 609
Download as PDF Article: A new species of Pelletiera (Primulaceae) from Macaronesia 641
Download as PDF Book review: Analyses d'ouvrages 649
Download as PDF Index: Index des combinaisons et noms nouveaux 653
Download as PDF Index: Index des noms de genres 654
Download as PDF Table of Contents 658