E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 65 (1990)
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Download as PDF Article: On the periodic spectrum of the 1-dimensional Schrödinger operator. 1
Download as PDF Article: Normal forms for Hamiltonian systems with Poisson commuting integrals - elliptic case. 4
Download as PDF Article: L2 - Curvature pinching. 36
Download as PDF Article: The Gauss map of a spacelike constant mean curvature hypersurface of Minkowski space. 52
Download as PDF Article: Casson invariant of links of singularities. 58
Download as PDF Article: Mean curvature functions of codimension-one foliations. 79
Download as PDF Article: On the genus of represenattion spheres. 85
Download as PDF Article: On the nodal lines of second eigenfunctions of the fixed membrane problem. 96
Download as PDF Article: Representation of links by braids: A new algorithm. 104
Download as PDF Article: A directional compactification of the complex Bloch variety. 114
Download as PDF Article: Rigidity for surfaces of non-positive curvature. 150
Download as PDF Article: Polynomial algebras over the Steenrod algebra. 171
Download as PDF Article: The monodromy of a series of hypersurface singularities. 181
Download as PDF Article: Intersection homology Poincaré spaces and the characteristic variety theorem. 198
Download as PDF Article: A generalization of Nehari's univalence criterion. 234
Download as PDF Article: Amalgamated products and finitely presented groups. 243
Download as PDF Article: The maximum principle at infinity for minimal surfaces in flat three manifolds. 255
Download as PDF Article: Positive scalar curvature and periodic fundamental groups. 271
Download as PDF Article: Multiple fibres of a morphism. 287
Download as PDF Article: Some examples of higher rank manifolds of nonnegative curvature. 299
Download as PDF Article: Formal groups and L-series. 318
Download as PDF Article: Sur les longueurs des géodésiques dùne métrique à courbure négative dans le disque. 334
Download as PDF Article: Complex singularities and the framed cobordism class of compact quotients of 3-dimensional Lie groups by discrete subgroups. 349
Download as PDF Article: On the algebraic hull of an automorphism group of a principal bundle. 375
Download as PDF Article: Locally flat 2-spheres in simply connected 4-manifolds. 388
Download as PDF Article: An obstruction for smoothing of Gorenstein surface singularities. 413
Download as PDF Article: A calculation of Pin+ Bordism groups. 434
Download as PDF Article: A relationship between volume, injectivity radius, and eigenvalues. 448
Download as PDF Article: On group homomorphisms including mod-p cohomology isomorphisms. 454
Download as PDF Article: About a problem of Ulam concerning flat sections of manifolds. 462
Download as PDF Article: Smooth algebras and vanishing of Hochschild homology. 474
Download as PDF Article: A priori bounds of Castelnuovo type for cohomological Hilbert functions. 478
Download as PDF Article: Geometric actions of surface groups on ...-trees. 519
Download as PDF Article: Fixed point free low dimensional real algebraic actions of A5 on contractible varieties. 534
Download as PDF Article: Baumslag-Solitar groups and some other groups of cohomological dimension two. 547
Download as PDF Article: Witt group of hyperelliptic curves. 559
Download as PDF Article: Classes caractéristiques pour les cônes projectifs et homologie d'intersection. 581
Download as PDF Article: Small eigenvalues on Y-pieces and on Riemann surfaces. 603
Download as PDF Article: Rational category of the space of sections of a nilpotent bundle. 615
Download as PDF Article: Une structure symplectique sur R6 avec une sphère lagrangienne plongée et un champ de Liouville complet. 623
Download as PDF Article: On small eigenvalues of the Laplacian for ...(q)\... . 664
Download as PDF Article: Asymptotically commuting families of operators. 672