E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 37 (1980)
Heading Page
Issue 1 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Leggere sport, ieri e oggi 1
Download as PDF Article: Concezione promozionale per gli anni 1980-85 2
Download as PDF Article: Basi biologiche dell'allenamento 6
Download as PDF Rubric: Reporter 16
Download as PDF Rubric: Gioventù+Sport 17
Download as PDF Rubric: La lezione 22
Issue 2 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Chinesiologia geriatrica 25
Download as PDF Article: La canoa canadese 31
Download as PDF Article: Un nuovo gioco : la pallaveloce 38
Download as PDF Rubric: Mosaico elvetico 41
Download as PDF Rubric: Gioventù+Sport 43
Download as PDF Rubric: La lezione 47
Issue 3 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Tenero, lo scorso anno 49
Download as PDF Article: Staffetta veloce 52
Download as PDF Article: Calcio europeo domani 54
Download as PDF Article: Attività sportiva durante il week-end 58
Download as PDF Rubric: Qui Macolin 66
Download as PDF Rubric: Gioventù+Sport 69
Issue 4 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Preface: L'Olimpismo nella tormenta 73
Download as PDF Article: Ricordo di un campione 74
Download as PDF Article: Il tennis : un gioco ricco di spostamenti 75
Download as PDF Article: Distensione come? 81
Download as PDF Rubric: Sguardo nel mondo 84
Download as PDF Rubric: Mosaico elvetico 86
Download as PDF Rubric: Gioventù+Sport 88
Download as PDF Rubric: Biblioteca 94
Issue 5 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Con arco e frecce 97
Download as PDF Article: L'allenamento di judo 104
Download as PDF Article: Psico-pedagogia del gioco e dello sport 109
Download as PDF Rubric: Mosaico elevtico 117
Download as PDF Rubric: La lezione 119
Issue 6 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Aiuto sportivo svizzero 121
Download as PDF Article: Dal test di Cooper al VO₂ max 125
Download as PDF Article: L'allenamento del mezzofondista sull'esempio di Pierre Délèze 129
Download as PDF Article: Tenacia : importanza, limiti e metodi di misura 134
Download as PDF Article: Sviluppo di G+S 138
Download as PDF Rubric: La lezione 143
Issue 7 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: L'Istituto nazionale dello sport e dell'educazione fisica di Parigi 145
Download as PDF Article: Proposta estiva per gli sciatori 148
Download as PDF Rubric: Qui Macolin 153
Download as PDF Article: Scivolando sull'asfalto 155
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Il rovescio del nuoto : l'annegamento! 159
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: Reporter 160
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: Gioventù+Sport 162
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: Biblioteca 164
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: La lezione 167
Issue 8 _
Als PDF herunterladen Front matter _
Als PDF herunterladen Table of Contents _
Als PDF herunterladen Article: L'uomo moderno e lo sport 169
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Inchiesta cinematografica sul carico sopportato dall'articolazione del piede nel Fosbury-flop 175
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Il salto in lungo 178
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: Gioventù+Sport 186
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: La lezione 191
Issue 9 _
Als PDF herunterladen Front matter _
Als PDF herunterladen Table of Contents _
Als PDF herunterladen Article: La banana polisportiva 193
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Assistenza alla squadra e preparazione della partita nell'hockey su ghiaccio 197
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Incidenti propri all'atletica 212
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: Gioventù+Sport 216
Issue 10 _
Als PDF herunterladen Front matter _
Als PDF herunterladen Table of Contents _
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Presentazione della nuova struttura G+S 217
Als PDF herunterladen Article: G+S ieri e oggi 218
Als PDF herunterladen Article: La concezione G+S 219
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Struttura della formazione propria alla disciplina 229
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Esami di tenacia 231
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Novità nella formazione dei monitori e dei quadri superiori 232
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Direttive e mezzi didattici 235
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Periodo di transizione per l'introduzione della struttura G+S 81 236
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Problemi in sospeso 237
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: Qui Macolin 238
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: La lezione 239
Issue 11 _
Als PDF herunterladen Front matter _
Als PDF herunterladen Table of Contents _
Als PDF herunterladen Article: La tecnologia dello sci alpino 241
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Preparazione alla stagione di sci di fondo 250
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: Gioventù+Sport 253
Als PDF herunterladen Article: A colloquio con... Antonio Lazzarin 262
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: La lezione 263
Issue 12 _
Als PDF herunterladen Front matter _
Als PDF herunterladen Table of Contents _
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Il monitore e l'insegnamento dello sci 265
Als PDF herunterladen Article: L'insegnamento dello sci 268
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Giochiamo alle corse 273
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: Qui Macolin 277
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Calcio : con due piedi e con cervello 280
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: Gioventù+Sport 283
Als PDF herunterladen Rubric: Mosaico elvetico 285
Als PDF herunterladen Index: Sommario 1980 287