E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 4 (1990-1991)
Heading Page
Issue 1 _
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Download as PDF Article: Le genre Hymenochaete dans les zones tempérées de l'hémisphère sud 1
Download as PDF Article: Tetragoniomyces uliginosus (Tremellales) auf Waitea nuda (Tulasnellales) 53
Download as PDF Article: Mykozenologische Untersuchungen in Fichtenwäldern im Bundesland Salzburg, Österreich 75
Download as PDF Article: The toxic action of orellanine and other dipyridyles on different epithelial cell cultures (LLC-PK1, CaCo-2 and OK) 99
Download as PDF Article: Mycoecological analysis of Alnus associated macrofungi in the region of the Swiss National Park as recorded by J. Favre (1960) 111
Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 141
Download as PDF Back matter 151
Issue 2 _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Some interesting Hyaloscyphaceae from North Italy 161
Download as PDF Article: Pluteus primus spec. nov. (Agaricales, Basidiomycètes) 169
Download as PDF Article: Wood-inhabiting resupinate fungi from southern Switzerland : Gloeodontia columbiensis Burt ex Burdsall & Nakasone 179
Download as PDF Article: Aphyllophorales della Val d'Ultima (Ultental), Bolzano, Italia 183
Download as PDF Article: Two new Gasteromycetes from Madhya Pradesh (India) 197
Download as PDF Article: Pythium folliculosum, a new species from the bank of Lake Zürich 203
Download as PDF Article: Eléments pour un inventaire mycologique des environs du Saut Pararé (Arataye) et de l'Inselberg des Nourages (Guyane Française) : Russulaceae 209
Download as PDF Article: Some interesting agarics presented in the mycological exhibitions of Madrid and Salamanca (Spain) in 1989 227
Download as PDF Article: Studies in Marasmioid Fungi : Marasmius favrei, a new species for the taxon usually called Marasmius tremulae 237
Download as PDF Article: Makroskopische und mikroskopische Merkmale von Discina spinosospora (Ascomycotina) 243
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen 249
Download as PDF Pages complémentaires _
Download as PDF Index: Index Vol. 4 1990-1991 _