E–Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 66 (1986)
Heading Page
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Issue 1-2 _
Download as PDF Article: Notizen zur Geschichte der Erforschung der Metamorphosen in den Zentralalpen 5
Download as PDF Article: Very low-grade metamorphism of the Alps - an introduction 13
Download as PDF Article: The Alpine metamorphisms and their environments in the Western Alps : unsolved problems 29
Download as PDF Article: High-pressure metamorphism in the Western Alps : zoneography of metapelites, chronology and consequences 41
Download as PDF Article: The distinctive tectonometamorphic evolution of two basement complexes belonging to the Grand-Saint-Bernard nappe (Val de Bagnes, Valais) 53
Download as PDF Article: Retrograde Metamorphose in anorthositischen Lagen von Finero (Zone von Ivrea) 73
Download as PDF Article: Ferrogabbroic and basaltic meta-eclogites from the Antrona mafic-ultramafic complex and the Centovalli-Locarno region (Italy and Southern Switzerland) - first results 99
Download as PDF Article: Retrograde Metamorphose und Verformung in der "Wurzelzone" zwischen Ticino und Mera (Lepontinische Alpen) 111
Download as PDF Article: Deformation und Metamorphose im Gebiet des Nufenenpasses, Lepontinische Alpen 115
Download as PDF Article: Ein tektono-metamorphes Entwicklungsmodell der nördlichen Adula-Decke 129
Download as PDF Article: Eoalpine metamorphism of the Austroalpine Schneeberg-complex and the adjacent Ötztal crystalline basement (summary) 135
Download as PDF Article: Alpine high-pressure metamorphism in the Eastern Alps 139
Download as PDF Article: High-pressure mineral assemblages and their breakdown-products in metasediments South of the Grossvenediger, Tauern Window, Austria 145
Download as PDF Article: Petrologie und Geochemie des Rodingitvorkommens vom Islitzfall (Dorfertal, Hohe Tauern) 163
Download as PDF Article: Isotopengeologische Hinweise für die paläogeographische Nachbarschaft von Gurktaler Decke (Oberostalpin) und dem Altkristallin östlich der Hohen Tauern (Österreich) 193
Download as PDF Article: Structural and isotopic age profile across the Insubric Line, Mello, Valtellina, N. Italy 211
Download as PDF Article: Les formations plutono-volcaniques dévoniennes de Rioupéroux-Livet (massifs cristallins externes des Alpes françaises) : nouvelles définitions lithostratigraphique et pétrographique 229
Download as PDF Article: Baumhauerit : ein zweites Vorkommen (Salzburg / A) 259
Download as PDF Article: Présence de ferroaxinite dans la série volcano-sédimentaire de la Zone du Versoyen (Savoie, France, et province d'Aoste, Italie) 267
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Issue 3 _
Download as PDF Article: Constraints on some phase relations in the system CaO-MnO-MgO-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-CO2-H2O inferred from mineral data from Buritirama, Brazil 281
Download as PDF Article: The metamorphic evolution of garnet-cordierite-silimanite gneisses of NW Spitsbergen (Svalbard) 295
Download as PDF Article: Geochemistry of meta-lamprophyres from the Central Swiss Alps 315
Download as PDF Article: The Lake Nyos gas catastrophe (Cameroon) : a magmatological interpretation 343
Download as PDF Article: K-Ar radiometric ages of the gold-quartz veins at Brusson, Val d'Ayas, NW Italy : evidence of mid-Oligocene hydrothermal activity in the Northwestern Alps 385
Download as PDF Article: Voralpine und alpine Mineralbildung in der Gneiszone von Erstfeld (Sustenpass, Aarmassiv); der Mechanismus der K-Ar- und Rb-Sr-Verjüngung alpin umgewandelter Biotite 395
Download as PDF Article: Geochronolgie am Südrand des Damara-Orogens, S.W.A./ Namibia : hydrothermale Beeinflussungen von Isotopensystemen und Abkühlalter in präkambrischen Basementgesteinen 413
Download as PDF Article: Trabzonite Ca4Si3O10 • 2H2O a new hydrated calcium silicate 453
Download as PDF Association News: Bericht über die 61. Hauptversammlung der Schweiz. Mineralogischen und Petrographischen Gesellschaft in Bern : Freitag, 10. Oktober 1986 455
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