E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 68 (1988)
Heading Page
Issue 1 _
Download as PDF Article: The zonation of granitic plutons : the "failed ring-dyke" hypothesis 1
Download as PDF Article: Dazite, High-Alumina-Basalte und Andesite als Produkte der amphiboldominierter Differentation (Aegina und Methana, ägäischer Inselbogen) 21
Download as PDF Article: Bau und Geschichte des zentralen Teils der Margna-Decke 41
Download as PDF Article: Petrographie, Mineralchemie und Metamorphose von Metasedimenten der Sondierbohrung Sta. Maria I, Lukmanierpass 55
Download as PDF Article: Sr-bearing stilbite in a quartz-monzonite from Vathi, Kilkis, Northern Greece 67
Download as PDF Article: Métamorphisme transporté dans les Préalpes 77
Download as PDF Article: Nomenclature of pyroxenes 95
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Issue 2 _
Download as PDF Article: Sur la variation de la composition ponctuelle des termes de la série isostructurale : Cryptomélane-Hollandite-Coronadite et les conditions de gisement 113
Download as PDF Article: Cervandonite-(Ce), (Ce,Nd,La)(Fe3+,Fe2+,Ti4+,Al)3SiAs(Si,As)O13, a new alpine fissure mineral 125
Download as PDF Article: Metasomatic zonation of REE in zirconolite from a marble skarn at the Bergell contact aureole (Switzerland / Italy) 133
Download as PDF Article: OH-rich topaz from alpine fissures in triassic dolomites near Lugnez, Graubünden (mesozoic cover of Gotthard Massif, Swiss Alps) 141
Download as PDF Article: Rapid subsidence and upthrusting in the Northern Apennines, deduced by fluid inclusion studies in quartz crystals from Porretta Terme 157
Download as PDF Article: Discontinuous inverse metamorphic zonation, Glarus Alps, Switzerland : evidence from illite "crystallinity" data 171
Download as PDF Article: Identification de mélanges de micas blancs par diffraction des rayons X : application à des séries carbonatées faiblement métamorphisées 185
Download as PDF Article: The influence of sediment lithification on K-Ar ages and chemical zoning of glauconites 203
Download as PDF Article: The transition from crossite to actinolite in metabasites of the Combin unit in Vallée St. Barthélemy (Aosta, Italy) 215
Download as PDF Article: Comparison between two types of coronitic eclogites from the Western Alps : implications for a pre-eclogitic evolution 225
Download as PDF Rubric: Paul Niggli : Kolloquium zum 100. Geburtstag 237
Download as PDF Article: Paul Niggli : 26. Juni 1888 - 13. Januar 1953 : einige Gedanken zu seinem 100. Geburtstag 239
Download as PDF Article: Paul Niggli and petrology : order out of chaos 243
Download as PDF Article: The symmetry of a point in a lattice : beginning and future 257
Download as PDF Article: Paul Niggli's contribution to stereochemistry 267
Download as PDF Article: Paul Niggli und die Materialwissenschaften 273
Download as PDF Rubric: Verleihung der Paul Niggli-Medaille 279
Download as PDF Obituary: Hans Peter Eugster : 1925-1987 283
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Issue 3: Geodynamik des eurpäoschen Variszikums : Kaledonisch-Variszische Strukturen in den Alpen _
Download as PDF Article: Caledonian-Variscan structures in the Alps : an introduction 291
Download as PDF Article: From orogenic to anorogenic environments : evidence from associated magmatic episodes 301
Download as PDF Article: The Variscan plate tectonic evolution : an improved "Iapetus model" 313
Download as PDF Article: Block-diagram of the Variscan Cordillera in Central Europe 335
Download as PDF Article: The Variscan orogeny in the Austroalpine and Southalpine domains of the Eastern Alps 339
Download as PDF Article: Ordovician-Silurian geodynamic evolution of the Alps : the orogeny back-arc basin model 351
Download as PDF Article: Geodynamic aspects of the Silurian and Early Devonian sedimentation in the Paleozoic of Graz (Eastern Alps) 359
Download as PDF Article: Geodynamic evolution of the Sausal Paleozoic (Eastern Alps) 369
Download as PDF Article: Lower Paleozoic volcanic evolution at the northwestern border of the Gurktal nappe, Upper Austroalpine, Eastern Alps 381
Download as PDF Article: Deformation und Metamorphose im ostalpinen Altkristallin südlich des Tauernfensters (südliche Deferegger Alpen, Österreich) 397
Download as PDF Article: Hinweise auf die Existenz eines passiven Kontinentalrandes im Altpaläozoikum der nördlichen Grauwackerzone, Ostalpen 407
Download as PDF Article: Geotektonische Neuinterpretation des basischen Magmatismus der Nördlichen Grauwackenzone, Ostalpen : ein Überblick 419
Download as PDF Article: The "Cetic Massif" below the Eastern Alps - characterized by its granitoids 433
Download as PDF Article: Petrology of eclogites from the Saualpe, Austria 441
Download as PDF Article: Evolution of the Silvretta eclogites : metamorphic and magmatic events 467
Download as PDF Article: Archaean zircons retrograded, Caledonian eclogite of the Gotthard Massif (Central Alps, Switzerland) 485
Téléchargement PDF Article: Variscan tectonic evolution in the Central Alps : a working hypothesis 491
Téléchargement PDF Article: Vulkanoklastite im östlichen Aarmassiv (Val Russein, Graubünden) 501
Téléchargement PDF Article: Indications of Variscan nappe tectonics in the Aar Massif 509
Téléchargement PDF Article: Organisation géochimique et intrusion du granite du Mont Blanc et de deux leucogranites 521
Téléchargement PDF Article: The geology of the Belledonne massif : an overview (external crystalline massifs of the Western Alps) 531
Téléchargement PDF Index: Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis 543
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