E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 70 (1990)
Heading Page
Issue 1 _
Download as PDF Article: Cinématique de la collision Gondwana-Laurentina entre la Bretagne et la Floride d'après les données du socle submergé 3
Download as PDF Article: Evolution tectonique et métamorphique de la chaîne varisque en Bretagne méridionale 17
Download as PDF Article: Evolution du socle anté-stéphanien de Corse : événements magmatiques et métamorphiques 35
Download as PDF Article: Chemical variations in tourmalines from pegmatite occurrences in Chalkidiki Peninsula, Northern Greece 55
Download as PDF Article: Carbon and oxygen isotope constraints on the origin of magnesite deposits, North Evia (Greece) 67
Download as PDF Article: Erste K/Ar- und 40AR/39Ar-Hornblende-Mineralalter des Taveyannaz-Sandsteins 73
Download as PDF Article: Fluid-rock interactions during thrusting of the Glarus nappe : evidence from geochemical and stable isotope data 77
Download as PDF Article: Résultats préliminaires d'un essai de zonéographie métamorphique à travers les formations calcaires de la Nappe de Morcles 83
Download as PDF Article: "Cristallinité" de l'illite et mixed-layers : brève révision 89
Download as PDF Article: Stockwerk-Tektonik im südlichen Graubünden 95
Download as PDF Article: Geochemische Argumente zur Genese der "Älteren Orthogneise" der Silvretta 103
Download as PDF Article: Geochemistry of diabase dikes of the Silvretta (Switzerland) 109
Download as PDF Article: Römische Weinamphoren : petrographische Differenzierung von 11 italienischen Referenzgruppen 115
Download as PDF Article: Bericht über die Exkursion der Schweiz. Mineralogischen und Petrographischen Gesellschaft ins Silvretta-Kristallin und in den Westrand des Unterengadiner Fensters (11.-14. September 1989) 121
Download as PDF Association News: Bericht über die 64. Hauptversammlung der Schweizerischen Mineralogischen und Petrographischen Gesellschaft in Fribourg 159
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Issue 2 _
Download as PDF Rubric: Symposium "The origin of diorite and associated rocks" 173
Download as PDF Article: Plutonic alkaline series : Daly gap intermadiate compositions for liquids filling up crustal magma chambers 175
Download as PDF Article: Origin and evolution of monzonorites related to anorthosites 189
Download as PDF Article: Dioritic rocks in the Nain complex, Labrador 199
Download as PDF Article: On the origin of the gabbro-tonalite-monzogranite association from Toledo area (Hercynian Iberian belt) 209
Download as PDF Article: Quartz textures in dioritic rocks of hybrid origin 223
Download as PDF Article: The porphyritic facies and the endoskarns of the Traversella monzodiorite : implications for the evolution of the main intrusion (Ivrea, Italy) 237
Download as PDF Article: Synintrusive basische Gänge und "endogene" Xenolithe : Magma-Mingling in der Bergeller Intrusion 247
Download as PDF Article: Correlation and evolution of the Alpine basement 265
Download as PDF Article: Petrology of the type locality eclogites from the Koralpe and Saualpe (Eastern Alps), Austria 287
Download as PDF Article: Chromites from ultramafic rocks of northern Evia (Greece) and their geotectonic significance 301
Download as PDF Article: La Geminite, Cu2As2O7 • 3H2O, un nouveau minéral de la mine de Cap Garonne, Var, France 309
Download as PDF Article: Sur la présence du strontium dans les minéralisations manganésifières de Falotta et de Parsettens (Grisons, Suisse) : évolution des paragenèses 315
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Issue 3 _
Download as PDF Article: Brannerite from Lengenbach, Binntal (Switzerland) 325
Download as PDF Article: Cobalt nickel-kténasite de la mine de Cap Garonne (Var), France, nouvelle variété de kténasite 333
Download as PDF Article: Analyse qualitative et quantitative empirique des corrélations entre les principales substitutions chimiques des micas dioctaédriques et l'intensité des pics 001 obtenus par diffraction RX 337
Download as PDF Article: A discussion of contour maps in the Toce subdome of the Penninic realm (Switzerland, Italy) 349
Download as PDF Article: U-Pb zircon dating of the Central Aar Granite (Aar Massif, Central Alps) 361
Download as PDF Article: The Alpine thermo-tectonic evolution of the Aar and Gotthard massifs, Central Switzerland : fission track ages on zircon and apatite and K-Ar mica ages 373
Download as PDF Article: Fission track and nannofossil ages from a Paleocene bentonite in the Schlieren Flysch (Central Alps, Switzerland) 389
Download as PDF Article: Identifizierung einer Paragneisauflagerung am Granitgneis des östlichen Tauernfensters (Ostalpen) als autochthones Sediment mit Hilfe vergleichender Zirkonuntersuchungen 397
Download as PDF Article: Tectonic significance of an early-Alpine P-T-deformation path from Austroalpine micaschists to the south of the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps 403
Download as PDF Article: Amphibolites from Lake Emosson/Aiguilles Rouges, Switzerland : tholeiitic basalts of a Paleozoic continental rift zone 419
Download as PDF Article: Metabasite dikes in the southeastern part of the Chortiatis series (Northern Greece) : petrology and P-T conditions of metamorphism 437
Download as PDF Obituary: Peter Bearth : 1902-1989 449
Als PDF herunterladen Index: Author Index, Keyword Index 457
Als PDF herunterladen Index: Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis 463
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