E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 80 (2000)
Intitulé Page
Issue 1 _
Téléchargement PDF Article: Late Cretaceous-Tertiary magmatic and tectonic events in the Transhimalaya batholith (Kailas area, SW Tibet) 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: U-Pb and Ar-Ar geochronological data from the Pelagonian basement in Evia (Greece) : geodynamic implications for the evolution of Paleotethys 21
Téléchargement PDF Article: Regional implications of a Palaozoic age for the Necado Filábride Cover of the Betic Cordillera, Spain 45
Téléchargement PDF Article: Garnet in pelitic schists from a quartz-eclogite unit of the southern Dora-Maira massif, Western Alps 53
Téléchargement PDF Article: Ocean floor hydrothermal veins in eclogite facies rocks of the Zermatt-Saas Zone, Switzerland 63
Téléchargement PDF Article: Basis for meaningful illite crystallinity measurements : an example from the Swiss Prealps 75
Téléchargement PDF Article: In-situ measurement of reaction volumes using pressure analysis 85
Téléchargement PDF Article: Monazite analysis : from sample preparation to microprobe age dating and REE quantification 93
Issue 2 107
Téléchargement PDF Preface: Arnold Stahel : journal editor 1986-2000 107
Téléchargement PDF Article: "Rod" polytypism in vesuvianite : crystal structure of a low-temperatur P4nc vesuvianite with pronounced octahedral cation ordering 109
Téléchargement PDF Article: Fluid inclusions in emerald from the Jos complex (Central Nigeria) 117
Téléchargement PDF Article: Major, minor, trace element, Sm-Nd and Sr isotope compositions of mafic rocks from the earliest oceanic crust of the Alpine Tethys 131
Téléchargement PDF Article: High-precision dating and origin of synsedimentary volcanism in the Late Carboniferous Salvan-Dorénaz basin (Aiguilles-Rouges Massif, Western Alps) 147
Téléchargement PDF Article: Permo-Triassic pegmatites in the eo-Alpine eclogite-facies Koralpe complex, Austria : age and magma source constraints from mineral chemical, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope data 169
Téléchargement PDF Article: The relationships between the Kübler index, Weaver index and Weber index of illite crystallinity and their applications 187
Téléchargement PDF Article: Chemical compositon of piemontites and reaction relations of piemontite and spessartine in piemontite-quartz schists of central Shikoku, Sanbagawa metomorphic belt, Japan 199
Téléchargement PDF Article: Chloritoid-kyanite schists from the Veporic unit, Western Charpathians, Slovakia : implications for Alpine (Cretaceous) metamorphism 213
Issue 3 225
Téléchargement PDF Article: SHRIMP and IDTIMS U-Pb zircon ages of the pre-Alpine basement in the Internal Western Alps (Savoy and Piemont) 225
Téléchargement PDF Article: U-Pb zircon dating of two contrasting Late Variscan plutonic suites from the Pelvoux massif (French Western Alps) 249
Téléchargement PDF Article: Tourmaline-rich ore-bearing hydrothermal system of lower Valle del Cervo (western Alps, Italy) : field relationships and petrology 257
Téléchargement PDF Article: Cation distribution in Mg, Mn-bearing babingtonite from Arvigo, Val Calanca, Grisons, Switzerland 279
Téléchargement PDF Article: Epitaxy of hedenbergite whiskers on babingtonite in Alpine fissures at Arvigo, Val Calanca, Grisons, Switzerland 285
Téléchargement PDF Article: Alluvial native gold, tetraauricupride and AuSn2 from Western Switzerland 291
Téléchargement PDF Article: Rosickýite (monoclinic γ-sulphur) from La Presta Asphalt Mine, Neuchâtel, Switzerland : new X-ray powder diffraction data 299
Téléchargement PDF Article: U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircon from the Novate granite (Bergell, Central Alps) : evidence for Oligocene-Miocene magmatism, Jurassic / Cretaceous continental rifting and opening of the Valais trough 305
Téléchargement PDF Article: Metamorphic evolution of the northern Himachal Himalaya : phase equilibria constraints and thermobarometry 317
Téléchargement PDF Obituary: In Memoriam : Martin Frey : 1940-2000 351
Téléchargement PDF Index: Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis 357
Téléchargement PDF Association News 1