E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 14 (2002)
Intitulé Page
Téléchargement PDF Table of Contents 7
Téléchargement PDF Preface: Introduction 9
Téléchargement PDF Article: Against American exceptionalism : post-colonial perspectives on Irish immigration 15
Téléchargement PDF Article: Contesting the sublime : new versions of an alternative American tradition 29
Téléchargement PDF Article: Where is America? : Elsewhere realities and the American dream 45
Téléchargement PDF Article: Making myths about the 'Merrikins : imagining American ingenuity in the Jacksonian era 53
Téléchargement PDF Article: From Columbia to the United States of America : the creation and spreading of a name 67
Téléchargement PDF Article: Native American myths reconsidered 83
Téléchargement PDF Article: Foundational myths revisited : traditional and contemporary identity in the novels of Louise Erdrich 103
Téléchargement PDF Article: The American myth in progress : Willa Cather's My Ántonia 117
Téléchargement PDF Article: Women's "Englightened" re-visions of a new world 127
Téléchargement PDF Article: Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti and the de-disneyfication of America 139
Téléchargement PDF Article: "I spoke in haste" : overcoming original causality in The Grandissimes 149
Téléchargement PDF Article: American fiction and white male myths 163
Téléchargement PDF Article: The foundation of a myth : visualizing the American West 175
Téléchargement PDF Article: The fate of the American western film 187
Téléchargement PDF Article: Rewriting American foundational Myths in Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest 201
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Notes on contributors 215
Téléchargement PDF Index: Index of names 219