E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 5-6 [i.e. 6] (1943-1944)
Heading Page
Issue 1-2 [i.e. 3-4] _
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Download as PDF Article: Üsi Otto Hellmut Lienert-Nummer 5
Download as PDF Article: Oeppis us mym Läbe 6
Download as PDF Article: Us: Jungblüötigs (1926) 13
Download as PDF Article: Us: 's Ampeli (1934) 14
Download as PDF Article: Us: s Gültetrükli (1937) 15
Download as PDF Article: Us: Am Schwyzerpfeischterli (1943) 16
Download as PDF Article: Der Einsidler Puur am Sihlsee 17
Download as PDF Article: D Wärch vom Otto Hellmut Lienert 18
Download as PDF Article: Zäh Johr sids Vettergöttis Tod (Meinrad Lienert, [gestorben] am 26. Chrischtmonet 1933) 19
Download as PDF Article: De Heiwehdichter (zum 26. Dez. 1943) 22
Download as PDF Book review 23
Download as PDF Rubric: [Anmerkung der Redaktion] 25
Download as PDF Rubric: Mundartchronik 26
Download as PDF Rubric: Für und gäge ds Schwyzerdütsch 27
Download as PDF Article: Der "Heimatschutz" und üsi schwyzerische Mundarte 27
Download as PDF Article: Uebersetzungen us der Bibel oder us der Wältliteratur 29
Download as PDF Article: Rundschau des Deutschschweizerischen Sprachvereins 30
Download as PDF Article: Blocher Eduard: Hochdeutsch als unsre Muttersprache, Volksbücher des Deutschschweizerischen Sprachvereins 31
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Issue 5-8 _
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Download as PDF Article: Üse "Wägwyser dür üsi schwyzerische Mundarte" 9
Download as PDF Rubric: Schwyzer, läset schwyzerdütsch! 11
Download as PDF Article: Ileitung 11
Download as PDF Article: Wie cha me ds Schwyzerdütsch iteile? 12
Download as PDF Article: Schwizerischi Büecher- und Dichterkund i der Volksschuel 18
Download as PDF Article: Allgemeini Wärk 22
Download as PDF Article: Us em Aargau 23
Download as PDF Article: Us em Appezällerland 26
Download as PDF Article: Basel 29
Download as PDF Article: Us em Bärnbiet 33
Download as PDF Article: Us em Fryburgbiet 47
Download as PDF Article: Us Graubünde 47
Download as PDF Article: Us em Glarnerland 48
Download as PDF Article: Us Luzärn 49
Download as PDF Article: Us em Sant Gallerland 52
Download as PDF Article: Us Schaffhuse 58
Download as PDF Article: Us Schwyz 59
Download as PDF Article: Us Solothurn 61
Download as PDF Article: Us em Thurgau 65
Download as PDF Article: Us Unterwalde 68
Download as PDF Article: Us Uri 69
Download as PDF Article: Us em Wallis 69
Download as PDF Article: Us Zug 70
Download as PDF Article: Us em Züribiet 70
Download as PDF Article: Im Wälschland 78
Download as PDF Article: Chronologisches Verzeichnis der wichtigsten schweizerischen Mundartdichter 80
Download as PDF Book review 81
Download as PDF Rubric: Mundartchronik 83
Download as PDF Rubric: Für und gäge ds Schwyzerdütsch 84
Download as PDF Article: Söll me uf Schwyzerdütsch predige? 84
Download as PDF Article: Der "Deutschschweizerische Sprachverein" und ds Schwzerdütsch 85
Download as PDF Article: Blocher Eduard: Staatssprache und Muttersprache 87
Download as PDF Article: Öppis vo kurlige "Mundartfründe" und "berüemte" Sprachforscher 88
Download as PDF Article: Was seit me für ds Schwyzerdütsch? 94
Download as PDF Article: Warum schreibe ich Mundart? 103
Download as PDF Article: Unsere verschupfte Mundartdichtung 107
Download as PDF Rubric: Us Briefe ad Redaktion von "Schwyzerlüt" 110
Download as PDF Article: D'Muettärschprach, dMuettärschprach! 111
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Issue 9 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Article: Bscheid underwägs 1
Download as PDF Article: Marchen-Ballade 4
Download as PDF Article: Veilchensuche 5
Download as PDF Article: Im Landsgmäiring 6
Download as PDF Article: E Prob us em "Zwingli-Spyl" : Spilhof ussem alte Glaris 8
Download as PDF Article: Die drei Schwestern 11
Download as PDF Article: Eidgenössischer Bettag 12
Download as PDF Article: Glücksucher 12
Download as PDF Article: Üüseri Ufgab as Schwyzer 14
Download as PDF Article: Di bös Stund 16
Download as PDF Article: Us em "Vrinalis Gärtli" : Sunnehalb 19
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Issue 10-12 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Article: Üsi "Luzärner Nummer" 7
Download as PDF Rubric: Vo Land und Lüüt 8
Download as PDF Article: Luzärnerbiet - Luzärnerlüüt 8
Download as PDF Article: Sempach (1386) 24
Download as PDF Article: Könnscht Luzärn? 26
Download as PDF Article: Wie d'Lozärner tüend rede 28
Download as PDF Article: Sprüch 36
Download as PDF Rubric: Vo de erste Luzärner Mundartdichter 38
Download as PDF Article: "Was d'Schwyzer bruuchid!" : vom J.B. Häfliger, Dekan (erschiine im Johr 1796) 38
Download as PDF Article: Gruess as Luzärnerland 39
Download as PDF Article: Ufe Fride 39
Download as PDF Article: Wie 's Trutli si liederlig Ma granschierd hed 40
Download as PDF Article: Häxerei 43
Download as PDF Article: Herbstlied 45
Download as PDF Article: Es winteret 45
Download as PDF Article: Ränk 46
Download as PDF Article: De Schindbüehler 46
Download as PDF Article: Sprüch 47
Download as PDF Article: Es Märli für e Winter 48
Download as PDF Rubric: Vo gester und hüt 52
Download as PDF Article: Vatterunser 52
Download as PDF Article: s jung Vögeli uf em Pfeisterbrätt 52
Download as PDF Article: De erscht Schnee 53
Download as PDF Article: Eusi liebi Frau und s Himmelsgatter 53
Download as PDF Article: Dä ist nid vo Luzärn 55
Download as PDF Article: Vatersproch und Mueterlut 56
Download as PDF Article: Liebi muess zangget ha 56
Download as PDF Article: s Zähnihochsig : (Oeppis Luzärnerdütschs vo Volksbruch und Tanz) 57
Download as PDF Article: Bätglogge 59
Download as PDF Article: Älplertanz 59
Download as PDF Article: s' Muurblüemli 60
Download as PDF Article: As Christchind 60
Download as PDF Article: Im Traum bim Vatter 61
Download as PDF Article: Du muescht glaube, wachse, wärde 61
Download as PDF Article: Stohsch du furchtlos zum ebig Rächte? 61
Download as PDF Article: Heilegi Ärde, Vatterland 61
Download as PDF Article: D Schwyz im Wältchrieg 61
Download as PDF Article: s Hämme Rösy 62
Download as PDF Article: Mis Aentlebuech - mis Heimetland! 64
Download as PDF Article: Hürate hätti chönne... 64
Download as PDF Article: Winter 64
Download as PDF Article: "Was me z'Sursi verzöut" 65
Download as PDF Article: Es Chindli! 66
Download as PDF Article: Uferschtoh 66
Download as PDF Article: Karfrytig 66
Download as PDF Article: Träg Sorg 66
Download as PDF Article: 's Karussell 66
Download as PDF Article: D' Weldente 67
Download as PDF Article: Zum Muettertag 68
Download as PDF Article: Zum Brueder Chlaus 68
Download as PDF Article: Früeh im Wald 68
Download as PDF Article: Häb Sorg! 68
Download as PDF Article: De Chnächt 69
Download as PDF Article: 's Trachtemeitschi 69
Download as PDF Rubric: [Anmerkung der Redaktion] 69
Download as PDF Article: Luzärner Mundartier 70
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Issue 1-2 7
Download as PDF Article: Im Wälschland 7
Download as PDF Article: Wältsch 8
Download as PDF Article: I ds Wältsche 9
Download as PDF Article: I ds Wältsche 10
Download as PDF Article: Es Zürimeitli im Wälschland 16
Download as PDF Article: Uf em Heiwäg 20
Download as PDF Article: Der Peter Wyme und ds Ginette Roulier 21
Download as PDF Article: Post Tenebras Lux 23
Download as PDF Article: D Gänfer Landschaft 25
Download as PDF Article: D Grete Seiler 29
Download as PDF Article: De Mössiö Pitteloud und siini Occasion 34
Download as PDF Article: Fyrabig uf der Place Perds-Temps 37
Download as PDF Article: Morgenlied 40
Download as PDF Article: Waadtländer Wy 41
Download as PDF Article: Lavaux im Herbst 42
Download as PDF Article: Jugetjahr zMontreux 48
Download as PDF Article: Abendlied 53
Download as PDF Article: Uf ds Schloss Chillon : (Frei übersetzt nam Gedicht vom Lord Byron "On the Castle of Chillon") 54
Download as PDF Article: Narzisse 55
Download as PDF Article: Vom Wallis 58
Download as PDF Article: Im Greyerzerland 60
Download as PDF Article: Der gross Schnäggetanz : (la grande coraule) 61
Download as PDF Article: Rousseau : 1765 62
Download as PDF Rubric: Mundartchronik 63
Download as PDF Rubric: Für und gäge ds Schwyzerdütsch 64
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