E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume - (1968)
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Issue 1 _
Issue 2 _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 1
Download as PDF Article: Paris : broderies de Saint-Gall : collections printeps-été 1968 2
Download as PDF Article: Lettre de Paris 51
Download as PDF Article: Paris : tissus nouveauté suisses 55
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Stoffe : Herbst-Winter 1968/69 60
Download as PDF Article: Fashion news from Italy 67
Download as PDF Article: Schweiz : Stoffe-Modelle 77
Download as PDF Article: Sportlich elegante Note für den Herrn! 82
Download as PDF Article: Baby news 84
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Textilien für die Innendekoration 85
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Issue 3 _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 1
Download as PDF Article: Hit Parade des broderies de Saint-Gall à Paris 2
Download as PDF Article: Cover-girl suisse 1968 33
Download as PDF Article: Alta moda italiana : Roma e Milano 35
Download as PDF Article: 9. Rencontre europäischer Modefachschulen in St. Gallen 43
Download as PDF Article: Spirit of London 46
Download as PDF Article: Tejidos suizos : primavera-verano 69 = Schweizer Stoffe : Früjahr-Sommer 69 = Swiss fabrics : spring-summer 69 = Tissus suisses : printemps-été 69 50
Download as PDF Article: Swiss fashion club 68-69 74
Download as PDF Article: Eurovision song contest 77
Download as PDF Article: Variationen aus Deutschland 78
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Kreationen 87
Download as PDF Article: Swiss textile news 96
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Textil-Chronik = Chronique textile suisse = Crónica textil suiza 98
Download as PDF Advertising 104
Issue 4 _
Issue 5 _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 1
Download as PDF Article: Paris : les broderies de Saint-Gall dans les collections automne-hiver 1968-69 3
Download as PDF Article: Avec cette touche originale... 27
Download as PDF Article: Paris boutique 31
Download as PDF Article: Italien im Zeichen des Erfolges 33
Download as PDF Article: Aus der Boutique-Kollektion 41
Download as PDF Article: Norman Norell 42
Download as PDF Article: Creaciones de Barcelona 44
Download as PDF Article: Swiss fabrics inspire New Zealand fashions 45
Download as PDF Article: Dialogue en Suisse 49
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Textil-Chronik = Swiss textile news = Chronique textile suisse = Crónica textil suiza 59
Download as PDF Article: Festliche Kleidchen fürs Kleinste 63
Download as PDF Article: Taschentücher 64
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Stoffe : Frühjahr-Sommer 1969 69
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Textilien für die Innendekoration 75
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Issue 6 _
Téléchargement PDF Front matter _
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Téléchargement PDF Table of Contents 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Broderies suisses sur seine 2
Téléchargement PDF Article: Les paillettes de Saint-Gall redonnent à la mode une éclatante jeunesse 21
Téléchargement PDF Article: Une robe qui va loin... 24
Téléchargement PDF Article: Toni Schiesser : Blickfeld Schweiz 27
Téléchargement PDF Article: Modetelegramm aus Wien 39
Téléchargement PDF Article: Schweizer Stoffe inspirieren Oesterreichs Wintermode 40
Téléchargement PDF Article: Clive : britain's youngest couturier 42
Téléchargement PDF Article: The manificent seven 44
Téléchargement PDF Article: Retour à l'élégance 52
Téléchargement PDF Article: Schweiz : Stoffe, Modelle 54
Téléchargement PDF Article: Un pli à prendre 67
Téléchargement PDF Article: Nouveautés suisses : automne-hiver 1969/70 = Schweizer Stoffe : Herbst-Winter 1969/70 = Swiss fabrics autumn-winter 1969/70 = Tejidos suizos : otoño-invierno 1969/70 69
Téléchargement PDF Article: Schweizer Textil-Chronik = Chronique textile suisse = Swiss textile news = Crónica textil suiza 93
Téléchargement PDF Advertising 98