E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 46 (1992)
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Cahier 1: Études bouddhiques offertes à Jacques May _
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Download as PDF Pages liminaires 1
Download as PDF Rubrique: Études bouddhiques offertes à Jacques May à l'occasion de son soixante-cinquième anniversaire 3
Download as PDF Divers 4
Download as PDF Table des matières 5
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Bildmaterial] 7
Download as PDF Article: Note liminaire 9
Download as PDF Bibliographie: Publications : Jacques May 13
Download as PDF Article: An unravelling of the Dharma-dharmatā-vibhāga-vrtti of Vasubandhu 26
Download as PDF Article: Le ritualisme bouddhique chez I-tsing 37
Download as PDF Article: Note sur la base technique de la philosophie indienne 49
Download as PDF Article: Etudes sur Bhartrhari, 4 : l'absolu dans le Vākyapadīya et son lien avec le Madhyamaka. 56
Download as PDF Article: Nāgārjuna : examen critique du Nirvāna : Nirvāna-Parīksā 81
Download as PDF Article: Mātrcetas Brief an den König Kaniska 147
Download as PDF Article: Śraddhā in the sense of desire 180
Download as PDF Article: On the Dbu Ma Snan Ba'i Brjed Tho 195
Download as PDF Article: Sthiramati, Uddyotakara and Arcata on vyabhicāra 212
Download as PDF Article: Dignāga and Dharmakīrti on adarśanamātra and anupalabdhi 222
Download as PDF Article: Āryadeva and Candrakīrti on the dharma of kings 232
Download as PDF Article: The Lankāvatārasūtra in early Indian Madhyamaka literature 244
Download as PDF Article: Is prasanga a form of deconstruction? 280
Download as PDF Article: The intellectual sequence of Ratnākaraśānti, Jñānaśrīmitra and Ratnakīrti 297
Download as PDF Article: The Yogācāra cognition theory and depth psychology 307
Download as PDF Article: Dharma-Samuccaya (ed. Lin) : chapitres XVII-XXXVI : des éléments supplémentaires aux appendices de M. de Jong 323
Download as PDF Article: Does prāmānya mean truth? 352
Download as PDF Article: Some reflections on translating Buddhist philosophical texts from Sanskrit and Tibetan 367
Download as PDF Article: A note on Vasubandhu and the Lankāvatārasūtra 392
Download as PDF Article: Lamotte and the concept of anupalabdhi 398
Download as PDF Article: Controversies in Tibetan Madhyamaka exegisis : sTag tshan Lotsāba's critique of Tson kha pa's assertion of validly established phenomena 411
Download as PDF Article: Pramānavārttika IV (3) 437
Download as PDF Article: Dating the two Lde'u chronicles of Buddhism in India and Tibet 468
Download as PDF Article: On the authenticity of the Ratnāvalī 492
Download as PDF Article: A Chinese Ksudrakapitaka (T. IV.203) 507
Download as PDF Article: On prakrtinirvāna/prakrtinirvrta in the Bodhicaryāvatāra : a study in the Indo-Tibetan commentarial tradition 516
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Cahier 2 _
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Download as PDF Erratum: Erratum _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 553
Download as PDF Divers 554
Download as PDF Table des matières 555
Download as PDF Article: Zum Paiwan, einer Sprache des philippinischen Strukturtyps auf Taiwan 557
Download as PDF Article: Du bon usage de la comparaison 567
Download as PDF Article: L'entrevue de 525 A.C. : les joutes poético-diplomatiques dans la Chine ancienne 581
Download as PDF Article: Naissances et conceptions miraculeuses dans la Chine ancienne 610
Download as PDF Article: Taijiquan in the people's republic of China and in Taiwan : a comparison of motives and experiences of practitioners 634
Download as PDF Article: Astronomie et poésie chinoise : à propos de la Première Ode de la Falaise Rouge de Su Dongpo 640
Download as PDF Article: Die Lettres édifiantes et curieuses der Jesuiten : Autorenverzeichnis und Zusammenfassungen aller Briefe aus China, sowie Übersetzung eines Briefes von Pater Parennin 653
Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen = Comptes rendus 713
Download as PDF Rubric: Die Autoren dieses Heftes 744
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