E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 77 (2023)
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Préface: Special issue : Kamalaśīla and his place in the intellectual history of Buddhism : introduction 1
Article: What is the Tattvasaṅgraha about? : Kamalaśīla on the fourteen qualifiers of the pratītyasamutpāda 9
Article: On verbal cognition : Śāntarakṣita’s and Kamalaśīla’s treatment of vivakṣā 37
Article: On the omniscience of the Buddha and aśeṣajñāna as discussed in the final chapter of the Tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā 65
Article: The Vajracchedikā, the self, and the path : Kamalaśīla on logic and scriptures 89
Article: Kamalaśīla’s "Middle Way" (madhyamā pratipad) and his theory of spiritual cultivation : a study with a special focus on the fourteenth chapter of the Avikalpapraveśadhāraṇīṭīkā 117
Article: Kamalaśīla’s interpretation and philosophy of the middle way 145
Article: Kamalaśīla’s views on dependent origination 183
Article: The compatible and the comparable : searching for doctrinal sharedness between Kamalaśīla and northern Chan 219
Article: Where did Kamalaśīla compose his works, and does it even matter? : Reflections on the activities of Indian scholars in imperial Tibet 245
Compte rendu de lecture: Rezensionen = Comptes rendus = Book reviews 277
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Article: Go-betweens and competitors : the Japanese residents in Southeast Asia at the crossroads between communities (17th century) 287
Article: Transcending artistic boundaries : pre-war Japanese avant-gardes through the lens of two migrant artists. David Burliuk and Varvara Bubnova 313
Article: Naufragés aux portes du Japon d'Edo (1603-1867) : des frontières "infranchissables" et un espoir de retour 349
Article: La Chine, le Japon et l'"étoffe" de Perse : une géopoétique transfrontalière du Japon classique 379
Article: Frontier spirit and the making of the Japanese pioneer 409
Article: Tracing Shumi : politics and aesthetics in Doppo's 'Musashino' and Sōseki's Kusamakura 427
Article: Court protocol in Nara Japan : an annotated translation of the Giseiryō and the Ebukuryō 461
Compte rendu de lecture: Rezension = Book review = Compte rendu 497
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Article: Divine causality and human free will : Ṭūsī's solution and its historical background 509
Article: La figur du "bon historien" (liangshi 良史) dans les textes historiques de la Chine classique 529
Article: Ethnic tourism and folksongs : a case study among the Blang (Bulang) of Yunnan, China 565
Article: The recently found Map of the world (Kunyutu 坤輿圖) : a philological survey. Part II 607
Artikel: Two Qaraquyunlu and Aqquyunlu 'Turkmen' decrees in the great mosque of Mardin 717
Artikel: Les poèmes de Mao Zedong : fleurs du mâle ou sublime prométhéen 777
Buchbesprechung: Rezension = Book review = Compte rendu 789