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Volume 13 (1989)
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Cahier C-48: Structures in Portugal _
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Download as PDF Table des matières 1
Download as PDF Préface 1
Download as PDF Article: International Guadiana Bridge (Portugal - Spain) 2
Download as PDF Article: Arade Bridge, Portimão (Portugal) 4
Download as PDF Article: Côa Bridge, IP5, Guarda (Portugal) 6
Download as PDF Article: Marão viaducts, IP5, Amarante (Portugal) 8
Download as PDF Article: "Caixa Geral de Depósitos" new headquarters, Lisbon (Portugal) 10
Download as PDF Article: New central hospital, Coimbra (Portugal) 12
Download as PDF Article: Soporcel wood paste plant, Leirosa (Portugal) 14
Download as PDF Article: Secil silo, Outão (Portugal) 16
Download as PDF Article: Grain terminal, Trafaria (Portugal) 18
Download as PDF Publicité 20
Cahier C-49: Structures in sanitary engineering _
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Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières 21
Download as PDF Article: Water reservoirs at Oran and Jebel Dzioua (Algeria) 22
Download as PDF Article: Ryaverket purification plant, Gothenburg (Sweden) 24
Download as PDF Article: Belebungsbecken Steyrermühl (Österreich) 26
Download as PDF Article: Watertowers Aprilia, Cisterna, Caronno (Italy) 28
Download as PDF Article: Egg-shaped prestressed concrete digester tanks, Yokohama (Japan) 30
Download as PDF Article: Egg-shaped digester tanks in Matsumoto City (Japan) 32
Download as PDF Article: Structural design aspects of a sea outfall at Grimsby (England) 34
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier C-50: Recent structures _
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Download as PDF Table des matières 37
Download as PDF Article: The new Douro Railway Bridge, Oporto (Portugal) 38
Download as PDF Article: Nitchu Bridge, Fukushima (Japan) 40
Download as PDF Article: Bridge over the Jablanica lake Mostar (Yugoslavia) 42
Download as PDF Article: Schottwien Bridge (Austria) 44
Download as PDF Article: Pacific Place building complex (Hong Kong) 46
Download as PDF Article: Kohima television tower (India) 48
Download as PDF Article: Television tower in New Delhi with revolving restaurant at top (India) 50
Download as PDF Article: Japan Radio Co. building no. 109 (Japan) 52
Download as PDF Article: Prestressed concrete shooting range building, Tokyo (Japan) 54
Download as PDF Article: Shell girders in structural engineering (Poland) 56
Download as PDF Publicité 60