E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 14 (1952-1953)
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Download as PDF Article: A new species of Scrophulariaceae from South Africa 9
Download as PDF Article: Genera Convolvulacearum 11
Download as PDF Article: Sapotacées du Surinam et de la Guyane anglaise 61
Download as PDF Article: Pouteria et Chrysophyllum du Brésil et du Pérou 75
Download as PDF Article: Quatre plantes nouvelles de Madagascar 79
Download as PDF Article: Les faisceaux vasculaires dans l'ovaire de l'Aesculus parviflora 85
Download as PDF Article: De Hepaticis I : the genus Alobiella (Spruce) Schiffner emend. Stephani 93
Download as PDF Article: De Hepaticis II : an unpublished section of volume 6 of Stephani's Species Hepaticarum : the genus Marchantia 101
Download as PDF Article: Bellardi et le "Flora Pedemontana" d'Allioni : précisions sur un point de nomenclature 113
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles contributions à l'étude de la flore de la Corse (Fascicule 8) 121
Download as PDF Article: Bemerkenswerte Amaranthus-Funde aus Frankreich 159
Download as PDF Article: De Hepaticis III : a contribution to the study of the genus Ceratolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffner 163
Download as PDF Artikel: De Hepaticis IV : an unpublished section of volume 6 of Stephani's Species Hepaticarum : the genus Marsupella 253
Download as PDF Artikel: Plantes récoltées par M. Juges au Tassili des Ajjers (Sahara) 257
Download as PDF Artikel: François Cavillier 271
Download as PDF Register: Index des noms latins 279