Cahier -: Patrick Rohner
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Article: Patrick Rohner
Cahier -: Xerxes Ach
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Article: Fetischismus der Oberfläche : zu den Lackarbeiten von Xerxes Ach = The fetishism of the surface : notes on Xerxes Ach's lacquer work = Un fétichisme de la surface : notes sur la peinture de Xerxes Ach
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Article: Über die Faszination der Paradoxie = On the fascination of the parodoxical [i.e. paradoxical] = Fascination des paradoxes
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Cahier -: Harry Jo Weilenmann
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Article: Harry Jo Weilenmann : Zoom auf Malerei = Zoom sur la peinture = Zoom on painting
Cahier -: Ana Axpe
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Article: Ana Axpe
Cahier -: Karim Noureldin
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Article: Karim Noureldin
Cahier -: Daniela Keiser : Lilien ; Chrysanthemen ; Gerbera
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Article: Daniela Keiser : Lilien ; Chrysanthemen ; Gerbera
Cahier -: Alias : Guilherme Botelho, chorégraphe / choreographer
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Article: Alias : Guilherme Botelho, chorégraphe / choreographer
Issue -: Mauricio Dias & Walter Riedweg
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Article: Mauricio Dias & Walter Riedweg
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Article: Word trees and scent journeys = Wortbäume und Duftreisen
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Article: The acquisition of language and identity = Spracherwerb und Identität
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Article: Question marks
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Article: Unruly publics = Ungezogene Öffentlichkeiten
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Article: Silence and identity = Schweigen und Identität
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Article: Devotionalia do Brasil
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Article: Devotion to culture = Hingabe an die Kultur
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Article: Children and teenagers on art = Kinder und Jugendliche über Kunst
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Article: Territories and identity = Territorien und Identität
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Issue -: Monica Studer ; Christoph van den Berg
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Article: Lesen und Schreiben = Reading and writing
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Article: Alte neue Medien = old new media
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Article: Allegorische Lektüren - versprengter Sinn = Allegorical readings - sense sacrificed
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Issue -: L/B
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Article: Puppen-Spiele
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Article: Cooler Nachmittag
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Article: Doll games
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Article: Cool Afternoon
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