E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 76 (2019)
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Cahier 1 _
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Download as PDF Préface: Mitteilungen der Redaktion = Avis de la réaction 3
Download as PDF Article: Priamos bei Achill : zu Ilias 24,519-21 5
Download as PDF Article: Spuria Hesiodea neglecta 22
Download as PDF Article: Belege griechischer Historiker in den Pindar-Scholien und ihre Bedeutung für die Pindar-Exegese 30
Download as PDF Article: New witnesses to Plat. Smp. 191e2 and Leg. 7, 819d2-3 52
Download as PDF Article: Ars magorum ars Chaldaeorum?! : Zur Frage um den historischen Ursprung der griechisch-römischen Magie : wie Gedankengut der Maqlû-Priester in den Zauberpapyri fortleben könnte 58
Download as PDF Article: Rethinking stipendiarius as tax terminology of the Roman Republic : political and military dimensions 70
Download as PDF Article: Cicero's Pro Sexto Roscio and Jerome 88
Download as PDF Article: Note à Manilius, Astronomica, 1, 311 96
Download as PDF Rubrique: Epigraphica Helvetica 105
Download as PDF Rubrique: Archäologische Berichte 118
Download as PDF Pages complémentaires 145
Cahier 2 _
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Download as PDF Article: Penthesileia, that vulnerable heel of the Iliadic Achilles 147
Download as PDF Article: Pindaro a Orcomeno : il paesaggio attraversa la poesia 165
Download as PDF Article: Eudemonismo, askesis e piacere in Diogene il Cinico 191
Download as PDF Article: Aristarque et l'étymologie des épithètes divines 208
Download as PDF Article: Bemerkungen zum Prolog von Plautus' Poenulus 227
Download as PDF Article: Caligula's sexual desire for the moon (Suet. Calig. 22.4) 235
Download as PDF Article: Zu Appians gracchischer Ärenrechnung im ersten Buch der Emphylia 242
Download as PDF Article: À propos de praesentia au sens de παρουσία 255
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen = Comptes rendus 258
Download as PDF Endseiten 288