Cahier 1
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Article: The role of subcontinental lithospheric mantle in massif-type anorthosite petrogenesis : evidence from the jotunitic Red Bay pluton, Labrador
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Article: Geochemistryy and geochronology of charnoenderbites in the Northern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt, Southern Africa, and genetic models
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Article: Zircon typology in metasediments from the Strona-Ceneri Zone (Serie dei Laghi, Western Southern Alps) : indications on their protoliths and evolution
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Article: Teritary Himalayan structures and metamorphism in the Kulu Valley (Mandi-Khoksar transect of the Western Himalaya) - Shikar Beh Nappe and Crystalline Nappe
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Article: Das Diagenese-Metamorphose-Muster von Vitrinitreflexion und Illit-"Kristallinität" in Mittelbünden und im Oberhalbstein, Teil 1 : Bezüge zur Stockwerktektonik = The pattern of diagenesis and metamorphism by vitrinite reflectance and illite-"crystallinity" in Mittelbünden and in the Oberhalbstein, Part 1 : the Relationship to stockwerk tectonics
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Article: Crystal structure of a (001) twinned sussexite Mn2B2O4(OH)2 from the Kalahari Manganese Field South Africa
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Cahier 2
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Article: Stable isotope variations (H, C, O) in a prograde metamorphic Triassic red bed formation, Central Swiss Alps
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Article: K-Ar dating of a Mesozoic hydrothermal activity in Carboniferous to Triassic clay minerals of northern Switzerland
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Article: Preliminary fission-track ages on zircons and apatites from the Sardona unit, Glarus Alps, eastern Switzerland : late Miocene-Pliocene exhumation rates
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Article: Deconvolution of the X-ray "Illite" 10 Å complex : a case study of Helvetic sediments from eastern Switzerland
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Article: Discontinuous metamorphic zonation in the Paleozoic units of the Hercynian chain of SW Sardinia, Italy : evidence from structural and Illite crystallinity data
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Article: The origin of the Taveyannaz sandstone : arguments from whole-rock and clinopyroxene composition
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Article: Geochemistry and REE magmatic fractionation patterns of the Prijakt amphibolitized eclogites of the Schobergruppe, Austroalpine basement (Eastern Alps)
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Article: Structural observations at the eastern contact of the Bergell Pluton
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Article: Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) and its application in mineralogy
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Article: U/Pb ages of zircons from a plagiogranite-gneiss in the south-eastern Bohemian Massif, Austria - further evidence for an important early Paleozoic rifting episode in the eastern Variscides
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Article: Rare earth element patterns in the host and gangue carbonates of the San Vicente zinc-lead deposit, Peru
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Article: Chemical and crystallographical investigations on edenharterite (TIPbAs3S6)
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Article: Seconde occurrence de camérolaïte, Cu4Al2[(HSbO4,SO4)](OH)10(CO3)*2H2O, Val d'Anniviers, Valais, Suisse = Second occurrence of camérolaite, Cu4Al2[(HSbO4,SO4)](OH)10(CO3)*2H2O, Val d'Anniviers, Valais, Switzerland
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Informations des associations: New minerals recently apporved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names International Mineralogical Association
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Informations des associations: Bericht über die 69. Hauptversammlung der Schweizerischen Mineralogischen und Petrographischen Gesellschaft in Aarau = 69. annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Mineralogy and Petrogrology at Aarau
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Informations des associations: Jahresbericht 1994 und Bericht über die 69. Hauptversammlung der Schweizerischen Mineralogischen und Petrographischen Gesellschaft in Aarau
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Informations des associations: 70. Ordentliche Generalversammlung = 70e Assemblée générale ordinaire St. Gallen, 6.-9. September 1995
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Informations des associations: IMA NEWS
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Cahier 3
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Article: Stalderite TlCu(Zn,Fe,Hg)2As2S6 - a new mineral related to routhierite : description and crystal structure determination
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Article: Tertiary metamorphic conditions in the eastern Lepontine Alps
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Article: Mehrphasige alpine Deformation und Metamorphose in der nördlichen Cima-Lunga-Einheit, Zentralalpen (Schweiz) = Polyphase Alpine deformation and metamorphism in the northern Cima Lunga unit, Central Alps (Switzerland)
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Article: Titanite-rich carbonates from the Therapio area in Thrace, Northern Greece : constraints of the mineral assemblage formation
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Article: Location of the boundary between the metamorphic Southalpine basement and the Paleozoic sequences of the Carnic Alps : illite "crystallinity" and vitrinite reflectance data
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Article: The Passeier-Jaufen Line : a tectonic boundary between Variscan and eo-Alpine Meran-Mauls basement
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Article: The evolution of high T- low P granulites in the Northern Marginal Zone sensu stricto, Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe - the case for petrography
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Informations des associations: Ekursion und Symposium Mineralogie und Industrie = Excursion and Symposium Mineralogy and Industry
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Bibliographie: Symposium Mineralogie und Industrie : Zusammenfassung der Vorträge und Poster
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Informations des associations: IMA NEWS
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Index: Author Index, Keyword Index
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Index: Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis
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Informations des associations: MinPet 69. 1.Zirkular : Gemeinschaftstagung Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Gesellschaft (SMPG) Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft (ÖMG)
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