E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 85 (2005)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
Download as PDF Article: The geological map of Valmalenco 1
Download as PDF Article: Permian zircon U-Pb ages in the Gran Paradiso massif : revisiting post-Variscan events in the Western Alps 15
Download as PDF Article: P-T evolution of Alpine metamorphism in the southern Aspromonte Massif (Calabria - Italy) 31
Download as PDF Article: Bulk rock composition : a key to identifying invisible prograde reactions in zoned garnet 57
Download as PDF Article: Zircon U-Pb geochronology and isotopic characterization for the pre-Mesozoic basement of the Northern Veporic Unit (Central Western Carpathians, Slovakia) 69
Download as PDF Article: Typomorphic features of amazonitic K-feldspar from the Keivy granitic pegmatite (Kola Peninsula, Russia) 89
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Cahier 2-3: Central Alps _
Download as PDF Article: Special issue "Central Alps" : editorial 105
Download as PDF Article: The central Lepontine Alps : notes accompanying tectonic and petrographic map sheet Sopra Ceneri (1:100'000) 109
Download as PDF Article: Eclogite relics in the Central Alps : PT-evolution, Lu-Hf ages and implications for formation of tectonic mélange zones 147
Download as PDF Article: Metamorphic evolution of calc-schists in the Central Alps, Switzerland 175
Download as PDF Article: Formation of aluminosilicate-bearing quartz veins in the Simano nappe (Central Alps) : structural, thermobarometric and oxygen isotope constraints 191
Download as PDF Article: Tertiary migmatites in the Central Alps : regional distribution, field relations, conditions of formation, and tectonic implications 215
Download as PDF Article: Apatite fission track ages from the Adula nappe : late-stage exhumation and relief evolution 233
Download as PDF Nécrologie: In Memoriam Volkmar Trommsdorff (17.9.1936-17.6.2005) 247
Download as PDF Article: SSMP-Excursion to the Ries and Steinheim meteorite impact craters, Germany 255
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Paul Niggli Medal 2004 261
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Verleihung der Paul Niggli-Medaille 2005 263
Download as PDF Index: Content = Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Appendice: Tectonic and Petrographic Map of the Central Lepontine Alps (1:100'000). Carta geologica speciale N. 127. (Swiss topgographic map sheet 43 Sopra Ceneri). Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Wabern _