E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 18 (2006)
Heading Page
Download as PDF Préface: General editor's preface 5
Download as PDF Table des matières 9
Download as PDF Préface: Introduction 11
Download as PDF Article: "The United States Themselves [Are] Essentially the Greatest poem" : fraternity, personalism, and a new world metaphysics in Democratic Vistas 21
Download as PDF Article: Whitman's 1855 Leaves of Grass : the incarnational and "Hard Work and Blood" 35
Download as PDF Article: Pound and Eliot's sense of history and tradition as re-lived experience 53
Download as PDF Article: The abstract and the historical : structure in Ezra Pound's The Fifth Decad of Cantos 71
Download as PDF Article: Art versus the descent of the iconoclasts : cultural memory in Ezra Pound's Pisan Cantos 87
Download as PDF Article: An anthropologist at work : Ruth Benedict's poetry 113
Download as PDF Article: How to end a life-work : Luis Zukofsky's indexes 127
Download as PDF Article: Naming things : Frank O'Hara and "The Day Lady Died" 139
Download as PDF Article: Surrealism meets Kabbalah : the place of Semina in mid-century California poetry and art 151
Download as PDF Article: Gender politics and the making of anthologies : towards a theory of women's poetry 175
Download as PDF Article: Poetry as mother tongue? : Lorna Dee Cervantes's Emplumada 193
Download as PDF Article: Four poems 209
Download as PDF Article: Five poems 219
Download as PDF Rubrique: Notes on contributors 231
Download as PDF Index: Index of names 235