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Volume 36 (2018)
Heading Page
Cahier 36: The Challenge of Change _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Acknowledgements _
Download as PDF Préface: General editor's preface _
Download as PDF Article: Introduction 11
Download as PDF Article: Shakespeare and incomplete modernity 19
Download as PDF Article: "All changed, changed utterly: A terrible beauty is born." : What did Easter 1916 change? 43
Download as PDF Article: Words as Witness : remembering the present in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 67
Download as PDF Article: "If wommen hadde writen stories" : gender and social change in Geoffrey Chaucer's "Wife of Bath's Tale" and Jane Austen's Persuasion 101
Download as PDF Article: Expanded, changed, but not weakened : posthuman prometheanism and race in Octavia Butler's Xeogenesis 123
Download as PDF Article: "even now,/ Ev'n now" : Coleridge's interval 143
Download as PDF Article: The figure of Scheherazade and Jane Austen's changing senses of an ending 161
Download as PDF Article: Capitalism and dirty talk : Donald Trump's crowd-funded discourse and the demise of political community 179
Download as PDF Article: Jane Austen's sensitivity to the subjunctive as a social shibboleth 201
Download as PDF Article: Scribes as agents of change : copying practices in administrative texts from fifteenth-century Coventry 223
Download as PDF Article: "I am conservative and I like change" 249
Download as PDF Rubrique: Notes on contributors 255
Download as PDF Rubrique: Index of Names 261
Download as PDF Pages complémentaires 268