E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume - (1972)
Heading Page
Cahier 9 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières 1
Download as PDF Article: À Paris : renouvellement et continuité de la mode 2
Download as PDF Article: Modischer Szenenwechsel in Paris 22
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Kreateure äussern sich zur Pariser Haute Couture 46
Download as PDF Article: Foulard und echarpe als wichtige couture - accessoires 52
Download as PDF Article: Fleurs de la mode sur les rives du Tibre 60
Download as PDF Article: 11e rencontre de la jeune mode Saint-Gall 67
Download as PDF Article: "Nelo" : prints of today for english designers of tomorrow 75
Download as PDF Article: Vom "Fazilettlein" zum zierlichen Mouchoir 78
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles = Notizen = News = Noticias 82
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Cahier 10 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité I
Download as PDF Table des matières 1
Download as PDF Article: Grosszügig breit gefächertes schweizerisches Stoffangebot für Sommer 1973 2
Download as PDF Article: Mode und Wirtschaft 10
Download as PDF Article: Blusen aus Baden-Baden 18
Download as PDF Article: Leisurewear tops take fashion for a spin 22
Download as PDF Article: Viscosuisse : Impulse für Textiltechnik und Design 32
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles = Notizen = News = Noticias 41
Download as PDF Article: "Zingone" : Haute Couture pour l'enfant chic! 45
Download as PDF Article: Le voile, la couronne et le bouquet 49
Download as PDF Article: Wanda Roveda : une couturière pour le "grand jour" 54
Download as PDF Article: The swiss textile industry on the lookout for new talent 56
Download as PDF Article: Textiles Suisses at the swiss centre in London 58
Download as PDF Article: Stickerei-Festival bei Toni Schiesser 61
Download as PDF Article: Partir d'un bon pied... pour l'hiver 66
Download as PDF Article: Swinging pretty 68
Download as PDF Article: Les grandes heures du prêt-à-porter 72
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Cahier 11 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières 19
Download as PDF Article: L'hiver parisien exclusif et séduisant 20
Download as PDF Article: Die neue Pariser Mode : exklusiv und verführerisch 35
Download as PDF Article: Mode und Wirtschaft 54
Download as PDF Article: Das Hochzeitskleid = La robe de mariée 65
Download as PDF Article: Foulards und Echarpen : Würze der Mode 66
Download as PDF Article: Elégance romaine : froideur et distinction 76
Download as PDF Article: Unterkühlte Römer Eleganz 81
Download as PDF Article: Ein kleiner Passepartout : das Taschentüchlein aus der Schweiz 84
Download as PDF Article: Notizen = Nouvelles = News = Noticias 89
Cahier 12 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières 21
Download as PDF Article: Massvolle Vielfalt in den Stoffkollektionen 22
Download as PDF Article: Schillernde Stickerei-Akzente bei Toni Schiesser 30
Download as PDF Article: Un printemps qui chausse gai 42
Download as PDF Article: A report on wool 49
Download as PDF Article: Wollgewebe stehen im Mittelpunkt 50
Download as PDF Article: Aktuelle Probleme der schweizerischen Wollindustrie 61
Download as PDF Article: Jung und klassisch für den Herrn 64
Download as PDF Article: Walter Schoeller : ein schweizerischer Textilindustrieller von besonderem Format 74
Download as PDF Article: Elegante Stoffe für Freizeit und Sport 76
Download as PDF Article: Ohne Krawatten geht es nicht 78
Download as PDF Article: The importance of swiss shirtings on the british market 84
Download as PDF Article: Fancy jeans with special touches of embroidery 88
Download as PDF Article: Die Freizeit fängt mit Mode an 90
Download as PDF Article: Bunte Akzente mit fröhlichen Borten 99
Download as PDF Article: Handmaschinenstickereien für zierliche "petit-riens" 100
Download as PDF Article: Fashion never stops, even at night 102
Download as PDF Article: The swiss twist 106
Download as PDF Article: Spotlight on John Cavanagh 110
Download as PDF Article: British ready-to-wear manufacturers chose swiss textiles for their spring summer 1973 collections 111
Download as PDF Article: Le prêt-à-porter sur l'estrade : Florence 116
Download as PDF Article: Le prêt-à-porter sur l'estrade : Paris 118
Download as PDF Article: Kurzberichte 125
Download as PDF Publicité 131