E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 18 (1931)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Article: Zu den Bildern von Jean Lurçat 1
Download as PDF Article: Anmerkung zu den Häusern von André und den Bildern und Teppichen von Jean Lurçat 4
Download as PDF Article: Atelierhäuser für Schweizerkünstler in Paris von Architekt André Lurçat 4
Download as PDF Article: Arbeiter-Reihenhäuser : Architekt F. Sauter, Zürich 16
Download as PDF Article: Gotthard Schuh 17
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture 25
Download as PDF Article: Werkbundfilm "die neue Wohnung" 29
Download as PDF Article: III. Internationaler Kongress für Neues Bauen in Brüssel 30
Download as PDF Article: Die Brille : Pathos von gestern 31
Download as PDF Divers 32
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pietro Toesca : la collezione di Ulrico Hoepl 32
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XX
Download as PDF Concours XXI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Bauchronik XXII
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden : Bund Schweizer Architekten B.S.A. XXIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Baugesetz XXX
Download as PDF Publicité XXXI
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden : Schweizerischer Werkbund S.W.B. XXXIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Plakatwettbewerb der "Hyspa" XXXVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: "Ewige Formen" in der Neuen Sammlung, München XXXVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXXVIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Basler Chronik XLI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Kunstchronik XLI
Download as PDF Article: Das Schicksal der St.Galler Einblattdrucke XLII
Download as PDF Publicité XLIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen XLV
Download as PDF Publicité XLVII
Download as PDF Divers XLIX
Download as PDF Publicité LI
Download as PDF Publicité LVI
Cahier 2 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Article: Arnold Huggler 33
Download as PDF Article: Skihütten und Ferienhäuser : Architekt H. Leuzinger 40
Download as PDF Article: Ferienhaus Führli : Architekt Egidius Streiff 54
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Zwei Bücher zum sechzigsten Geburtstag von Adolf Loos 55
Download as PDF Article: Französische Ausstellung im Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich 60
Download as PDF Divers 64
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XX
Download as PDF Concours XXI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Heimatschutz und Baugesetz XXI
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronique suisse-romande XXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zwei Schweizer Künstler XXVI
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden : Bund Schweizer Architekten XXIX
Download as PDF Publicité XXXI
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden : Schweizerischer Werkbund S.W.B. XXXIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXV
Download as PDF Divers XXXVII
Download as PDF Article: Ein neuer Kunstverkauf XXXVIII
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture XXXVIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXIX
Download as PDF Article: Neuordnung der neuen Staatsgalerie in München XLII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronik XLII
Download as PDF Publicité XLIII
Download as PDF Publicité XLVII
Download as PDF Nécrologie XLIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen L
Download as PDF Publicité LI
Download as PDF Informations des associations: BSA-Mitgliederverzeichnis LIII
Download as PDF Publicité LIV
Cahier 3 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières XV
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Article: Margherita Osswald-Toppi 65
Download as PDF Article: Garten am Monte Bre und Garten in Altstätten im Rheintal : Gartenarchitekten O. Froebels Erben, Zürich 69
Download as PDF Article: Ein Wohngarten am Zürichberg 82
Download as PDF Article: Neue Hausgärten 86
Download as PDF Article: Martin Lauterburg 88
Download as PDF Article: Zum Schinkeljubiläum : Carl Friedrich Schinkel, 13. März 1781 bis 9. Oktober 1841 93
Download as PDF Article: Caspar von Zumbusch 96
Download as PDF Article: Die Gräber Vincent und Theo van Goghs 96
Download as PDF Divers 96
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XX
Download as PDF Concours XXI
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Article: Reglementierung im Namen der Schönheit! XXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Bauchronik XXVI
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronique suisse-romande XXX
Download as PDF Publicité XXXI
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden : Bund Schweizer Architekten B.S.A. XXXIV
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden : Schweizerischer Werkbund S.W.B. XXXIV
Download as PDF Publicité XXXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellung "Neues Bauen" im Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich XXXVIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Kunstchronik XLI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik XLI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Münchner Kunstchronik XLII
Download as PDF Publicité XLIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berlin XLVI
Download as PDF Publicité XLVII
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture XLIX
Download as PDF Publicité LI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen LIII
Download as PDF Publicité LV
Download as PDF Publicité LVIII
Cahier 4 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières XV
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Article: Bildteppich in Gobelintechnik von Maria Geroë 97
Download as PDF Article: Das neue Börsengebäude in Zürich : Architekt Henauer & Witschi, Zürich 101
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhochhäuser 116
Download as PDF Article: Neue Wohnhochhaus-Projekte 121
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Bauhaus-Bauten Dessau [Walter Gropius] 128
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XX
Download as PDF Concours XXI
Download as PDF Article: Drei Berliner Architekten-Ausstellungen XXII
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Article: Schlagringe und Schultze-Naumburg gegen moderne Kunst XXV
Download as PDF Article: Bauausstellung Berlin XXVI
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Divers XXIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Bauchronik XXIX
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Der Bund Schweizer Architekten B.S.A. in St. Moritz XXIX
Download as PDF Publicité XXXI
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Schweizerischer Werkbund S.W.B. XXXIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXXIV
Download as PDF Publicité XXXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Basler Kunstchronik XXXVIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXIX
Download as PDF Article: Oskar Schlemmer : Notizen zu seiner bevorstehenden Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Zürich XLI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronique suisse-romande XLII
Download as PDF Divers XLII
Download as PDF Publicité XLIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen XLV
Download as PDF Publicité XLVII
Download as PDF Publicité LI
Download as PDF Publicité LV
Download as PDF Publicité LIX
Cahier 5 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières XV
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Article: Anthroposophische Architektur 129
Download as PDF Article: Anmerkungen zu "Goetheanum" und "Eurythmeum" 129
Download as PDF Article: Die Baukunst und das "Goetheanum" in Dornach 142
Download as PDF Article: Elementare Architektur? 143
Download as PDF Article: Über das Photoporträt 149
Download as PDF Article: Bücher über Photographie 155
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XX
Download as PDF Concours XXI
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XXII
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Bauchronik XXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronique suisse-romande XXVI
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXI
Download as PDF Rubrique: r461 XXXIII
Download as PDF Divers XXXIII
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXXIV
Download as PDF Publicité XXXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Kunst-Anstalt XXXVII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXIX
Download as PDF Article: Oesterreichische Ausstellung in Bern XLI
Download as PDF Publicité XLIII
Download as PDF Publicité XLVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Kunstchronik XLIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Basler Kunstchronik XLIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik L
Download as PDF Publicité LI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Münchner Kunstchronik LIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zeitschriften LIV
Download as PDF Divers LIV
Download as PDF Publicité LV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen LVII
Download as PDF Publicité LVIII
Cahier 6 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières XV
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Article: Bürgerliche Wohnhäuser und Möbel 161
Download as PDF Rubrique: Landhaus S.-A. in Heerburg : Architekt Ernst Kuhn 165
Download as PDF Rubrique: Wohnhaus an der Goethestrasse, St.Gallen : Architekt Ernst Kuhn 168
Download as PDF Rubrique: Wohnhaus H. in Andelfingen : Architekten Kessler und Peter, Zürich 170
Download as PDF Rubrique: Einfamilienhaus Dr. R.-H. in Horgen : Architekten Kessler und Peter, Zürich 172
Download as PDF Rubrique: Wohnhaus in Escholzmatt : Architekt Ernst Mühlemann, Langnau 174
Download as PDF Rubrique: Schulhaus in Gohl : Architekt Ernst Mühlemann, Langnau 174
Download as PDF Rubrique: Wohnhaus T. in Frauenfeld : Architekt J. Maurizio, Basel 176
Download as PDF Article: Fresken in einer Gartenhalle : Rudolf Mülli 177
Download as PDF Rubrique: Kombinierbare Möbel : Architekt A. Altherr 180
Download as PDF Rubrique: Küche und Wohnraum : Architekt Max E. Häfeli 182
Download as PDF Rubrique: Bibliothek : Architekten Gisbert Meyer und F. Largiadèr 182
Download as PDF Rubrique: Einfache Möbel : Architekt F. Largiadèr 184
Download as PDF Article: Neuzeitliches Tafelsilber der A.G. Jezler SWB 186
Download as PDF Article: Deutsche Bauausstellung Berlin 1931 189
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XX
Download as PDF Concours XXI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Baugesetze und Bauordnungen XXI
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Article: Theaterkunst-Ausstellung in Zürich XXX
Download as PDF Publicité XXXI
Download as PDF Publicité XXXV
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden XXXVII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXIX
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellung "Sportbauten" im Gewerbemuseum Basel XLI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronique suisse-romande XLI
Download as PDF Divers XLII
Download as PDF Publicité XLIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Bauchronik XLV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Basler Kunstchronik XLVI
Download as PDF Publicité XLVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik XLIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Münchner Kunstchronik L
Download as PDF Publicité LI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen LIII
Download as PDF Publicité LIV
Download as PDF Publicité LVI
Cahier 7 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières XV
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Préface: Vorbemerkung 193
Download as PDF Article: Wandgemälde von Oskar Schlemmer und Willy Baumeister 194
Download as PDF Article: Kunst an der Berliner Bauausstellung 202
Download as PDF Article: Das Spittelerdenkmal in Liestal : Bildhauer August Suter, Paris 203
Download as PDF Rubrique: Villa de St-Clair : Architekt Djo-Bourgeois, Paris 204
Download as PDF Article: Berliner Bauausstellung 210
Download as PDF Article: Fünfundzwanzig Jahre Heimatschutz 217
Download as PDF Article: François Barraud ou deux questions de principe 218
Download as PDF Article: Relief von Max Soldenhoff 221
Download as PDF Article: Josef Hoffmann 222
Download as PDF Article: Berichtigung aus Dornach 224
Download as PDF Divers 224
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XX
Download as PDF Concours XXI
Download as PDF Article: Abwanderung aus den Grossstädten XXI
Download as PDF Article: Berliner Tagung der "internationalen Kongresse für Neues Bauen" XXI
Download as PDF Article: Der Umbau des Winterthurer Stadthauses vor Bundesgericht XXII
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Article: Ein städtebaulicher Vorschlag für Winterthur XXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronique suisse-romande XXVI
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Article: Die unsittliche Plastik XXIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Kunstchronik XXX
Download as PDF Publicité XXXI
Download as PDF Divers XXXIII
Download as PDF Article: Die Hyspa-Bauten XXXIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXXIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berliner Chronik XXXVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Münchner Kunstchronik XXXVIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXIX
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden XLII
Download as PDF Publicité XLIII
Download as PDF Article: Die lebendige Schule der Hausfrau XLV
Download as PDF Article: M. Alexandre de Senger tout acquis aux principes de Le Corbusier XLV
Download as PDF Divers XLV
Download as PDF Article: Holz als Baustoff XLVI
Download as PDF Publicité XLVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen XLIX
Download as PDF Publicité LI
Download as PDF Publicité LV
Cahier 8 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
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Download as PDF Table des matières XV
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Article: Geschäftsräume der Uhren- und Bijouterie-Firma E. Gübelin in Luzern : Architekten Alfred Möri und Friedrich Krebs, Luzern 225
Download as PDF Article: Geschäftshausumbau Buchhandlung Wepf & Co, Eisengasse 5, Basel : Architekten Hans Von der Mühll und Paul Oberrauch, Basel 228
Download as PDF Article: Salon de Couture Guyonnet, Genève : Architekt Ad. Guyonnet 231
Download as PDF Article: Gärten : Gartenarchitekten Gebrüder Mertens, Zürich 233
Download as PDF Article: Über protestantische Kirchenmalerei 242
Download as PDF Article: Gotische Bildwerke der deutschen Schweiz 1220 - 1440 248
Download as PDF Article: Henri-Matisse als Führer 253
Download as PDF Article: Verkäufer, Rayonchef, Reisender und Qualitätsprodukte 256
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XX
Download as PDF Concours XXI
Download as PDF Article: Internationaler Städtebaukongress in Berlin vom 1.-5. Juni 1931 XXII
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXI
Download as PDF Divers XXXIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zeitschriften XXXIII
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden : Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XXXIV
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden : Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXXIV
Download as PDF Publicité XXXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXXVII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Bauchronik XLI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronique suisse-romande XLII
Download as PDF Publicité XLIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Münchner Kunstchronik XLV
Download as PDF Publicité XLVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen XLIX
Download as PDF Publicité LI
Download as PDF Publicité LV
Download as PDF Publicité LVIII
Cahier 9 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières XV
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Article: Die Werkbundsiedlung Neubühl in Zürich-Wollishofen : Architekten Paul Artaria & Hans Schmidt BSA, Basel ; Max Ernst Haefeli, Zürich ; Hubacher & Rudolf Steiger, Zürich ; Werner Moser & Emil Roth, Zürich 257
Download as PDF Article: Hyspa, erste schweizerische Ausstellung für Gesundheitspflege und Sport 279
Download as PDF Article: Plastik-Ausstellung im Freien 285
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XX
Download as PDF Concours XXI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXI
Download as PDF Rubrique: A propos Plastik XXII
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Article: Das Alfred Escher-Denkmal in Zürich XXV
Download as PDF Article: Negerkunst in Zürich XXVI
Download as PDF Article: Afrikanische Negerkunst der Sammlung Han Coray in München XXVI
Download as PDF Article: Henri Matisse in Basel XXVI
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Kunstchronik XXX
Download as PDF Publicité XXXI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berlin XXXIII
Download as PDF Article: Pour Theo van Doesburg XXXIV
Download as PDF Publicité XXXV
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Aus den Verbänden : Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXXVII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXIX
Download as PDF Article: Mustermesse und Qualität XLI
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture XLII
Download as PDF Publicité XLIII
Download as PDF Divers XLVI
Download as PDF Publicité XLVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen XLIX
Download as PDF Publicité LI
Download as PDF Publicité LV
Cahier 10 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières XV
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Article: Private Wohnhäuser : Architekten Moser und Kopp 289
Download as PDF Rubrique: Hyspa-Nachlese 299
Download as PDF Article: Der Zeichner R.J. Junghanns 302
Download as PDF Article: Notizen von der Nationalen Kunstausstellung in Genf 305
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ein zeitgenössischer Holzschnitt der Schlacht bei Marignano 307
Download as PDF Article: Um Felix Vallotton 311
Download as PDF Article: Die Wettbewerbe zur Erlangung neuer Postmarken und -karten 316
Download as PDF Article: Die neue Postkarte 320
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XX
Download as PDF Concours XXI
Download as PDF Article: Ueber Frank Lloyd Wright XXII
Download as PDF Divers XXII
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Bauchronik XXVI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronique suisse-romande XXVI
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Genfer Ausstellung und Bundesbahnen (schweizerische Kulturpolitik) XXX
Download as PDF Publicité XXXI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXXIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Münchner Chronik XXXVII
Download as PDF Publicité XXXIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Bilderchronik neuer Bauten XLI
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Werkbundtagung in Genf XLII
Download as PDF Publicité XLIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berliner Chronik XLV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Bode-Memoiren XLVI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zeitschriften XLVI
Download as PDF Publicité XLVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen LI
Download as PDF Publicité LIV
Download as PDF Article: Salubra-Tapeten von Le Corbusier LV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Erweiterung der Bausammlung der E.T.H. LVI
Download as PDF Divers LVI
Download as PDF Advertising LVII
Issue 11 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Table of Contents XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Article: Die Schweizerische Landesbibliothek in Bern : Architekten A. Oeschger, Zürich, J. Kaufmann und E. Hostettler, Bern 321
Download as PDF Article: Der neue Saal des Versicherungsgerichtes in Luzern 351
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XX
Download as PDF Competitions XXI
Download as PDF Article: Zur Revision der Berner Bauordnung XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Article: Hyspa XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Heimatschutz XXIX
Download as PDF Association News: Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XXIX
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXX
Download as PDF Advertising XXXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXXV
Download as PDF Article: Die Neubauten für die Abrüstungskonferenz Genf 1932 : angebaut an das Völkerbunds-Sekretariat am Quai Wilson : Ad. Guyonnet, Arch BSA, Genf XXXVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique suisse-romande XXXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIX
Download as PDF Article: Sur Rodolphe-Théophile Bosshard XLI
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XLII
Download as PDF Advertising XLIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Bauchronik XLV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XLVI
Download as PDF Advertising XLVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XLIX
Download as PDF Advertising LI
Issue 12 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Table of Contents XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Article: Zum vierhundersten Todesjahr des Malers Hans Leu (um 1490-1531) 353
Download as PDF Article: Prinzipielles über Kunstausstellungen 358
Download as PDF Article: Ernst Heller 364
Download as PDF Article: Das Schweizer Studentenhaus in Paris 366
Download as PDF Article: Umbau und Erweiterung des Geschäftshauses M. Biedermann, Winterthur : Architekten Rittmeyer und Furrer, Winterthur 368
Download as PDF Rubric: Damenmodegeschäft Robert Lely : Architekt Robert Patout, Paris 374
Download as PDF Rubric: Modesalon Myrbor : Architekt André Lurçat, Paris 376
Download as PDF Rubric: Warteraum im Auskunftsbureau der Zeitschrift "la semaine à Paris" 378
Download as PDF Article: Die Stadterweiterung von Warschau 379
Download as PDF Article: Bericht aus Polen 382
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XX
Download as PDF Competitions XXI
Download as PDF Association News: Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Bauchronik XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellung Alfred H. Pellegrini, Basel XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Basler Kunstkredit XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXX
Download as PDF Advertising XXXI
Download as PDF Article: 40 Jahre St. Galler-Stickerei XXXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXXV
Download as PDF Article: Böhmisches Glas XXXVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Kunstchronik XLI
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique suisse-romande XLI
Download as PDF Rubric: Münchner Kunstchronik XLII
Download as PDF Advertising XLIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Berlin XLIV
Download as PDF Book review XLV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XLV
Download as PDF Advertising XLVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XLVII
Download as PDF Advertising LI
Download as PDF Index: Inhalt der Hefte _