E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume - (1957)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières 33
Download as PDF Article: Der Aussenhandel der Schweiz und die Textilien im Jahre 1956 34
Download as PDF Article: Rosaweisse Apfelblüten und schneeige Kirschblüten 35
Download as PDF Article: Les collections de printemps 1957 39
Download as PDF Article: British Princess wears Swiss Embroidery 83
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus London 84
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Deutschland 88
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Los Angeles 91
Download as PDF Article: Ici et ailleurs = Here, there and everywhere = De acquí y acullá = Aus aller Welt 94
Download as PDF Article: Wissenschaft und Praxis 100
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Die Textilien in der Literatur 102
Download as PDF Article: Chronik 102
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Eduard Heberlein 102
Download as PDF Article: Schuhe für die schönen Tage 103
Download as PDF Article: 30th Swiss Exportweek Zurich = 30me Semaine Suisse d'exportation = 30. Schweizer Exportwoche 104
Download as PDF Publicité 154
Download as PDF Article: Die Wolle in der Schweiz 164
Download as PDF Article: Die Linie und die Wolle 166
Download as PDF Article: Eine Besichtigung in der schweizerischen Baumwoll- und Stickereiindustrie 168
Download as PDF Article: Die "Schweizer Woche" in Düsseldorf 170
Download as PDF Article: Contributions individuelles des maisons = Manufacturers' own Contributions = Contribuciones individuales de las casas = Beiträge einzelner Firmen 173
Download as PDF Publicité 194
Cahier 2 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières 35
Download as PDF Article: Le ciel de Paris 37
Download as PDF Article: Printemps-été 1957 41
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus New York 64
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Los Angeles 67
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus London 70
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Deutschland 74
Download as PDF Article: Ici et ailleurs = Here, there and everywhere = De acquí y acullá = Aus aller Welt 78
Download as PDF Article: Paris vous dit 87
Download as PDF Article: Vom Notwendigen zum Überflüssigen 91
Download as PDF Article: Wirk- und Strickwaren 103
Download as PDF Article: St. Galler Feingewebe und Stickereien auf Gastspielreise 108
Download as PDF Article: An der Schweizer Mustermesse in Basel 114
Download as PDF Article: Die Bekleidungsindustrie 115
Download as PDF Article: Die 38. nationale Herbstmesse in Lausanne und die Textilindustrie 116
Download as PDF Article: Wissenschaft und Praxis 117
Download as PDF Article: Chronik 119
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Literatur - Kleidung, Mode und Mensch 119
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Albert Kunstlé 119
Download as PDF Article: Contributions individuelles des maisons = Manufacturers' own Contributions = Contribuciones individuales de las casas = Beiträge einzelner Firmen 120
Download as PDF Publicité 137
Cahier 3 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières 37
Download as PDF Article: Verwandlungskünstlerin Mode oder alte Bekannte in neuem Gewand 39
Download as PDF Article: Collections Automne-hiver 1957-1958 43
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus New York 62
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Los Angeles 65
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus London 68
Download as PDF Article: Ici et ailleurs = Here, there and everywhere = De acquí y acullá = Aus aller Welt 70
Download as PDF Article: Zurich présente = Zürich zeigt = Zurich presents 74
Download as PDF Article: Sports d'hiver = Winter Sports = Wintersport 121
Download as PDF Publicité 124
Download as PDF Article: Wissenschaft und Praxis 134
Download as PDF Article: Chronik 135
Download as PDF Article: Die Reigen der Schuhmode 137
Download as PDF Article: Die schweizerische Wirkereiindustrie und das Ausland 138
Download as PDF Article: Contributions individuelles des maisons = Manufacturers' own Contributions = Contribuciones individuales de las casas = Beiträge einzelner Firmen 147
Download as PDF Publicité 169
Cahier 4 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières 33
Download as PDF Article: Christian Dior 35
Download as PDF Article: Collections Automne-hiver 1957-1958 38
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus London 52
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Deutschland 56
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus New York 59
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Los Angeles 63
Download as PDF Article: Ici et ailleurs = Here, there and everywhere = De acquí y acullá = Aus aller Welt 66
Download as PDF Article: Chronik 69
Download as PDF Article: 42. Schweizer Mustermesse Basel 72
Download as PDF Article: Eine Vorführung des I.W.S. "Laien machen Mode" 74
Download as PDF Article: Paris vous dit 75
Download as PDF Article: Proteus, der Gott mit den hundert Gesichtern 79
Download as PDF Artikel: Orlon in der Schweiz 91
Download as PDF Artikel: Von der Nachtmütze zum Cocktailkleid 92
Download as PDF Artikel: Modes de plage = Beach fashions = Modas para la playa = Strandmode 96
Download as PDF Artikel: Contributions individuelles des maisons = Manufacturers' own Contributions = Contribuciones individuales de las casas = Beiträge einzelner Firmen 101
Download as PDF Werbung 116